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[上樓骨] 金巴利足療 ~ 先睹為快篇

Apart from Siu Hung there another young BG wor .... I tried KayKay.

Dun expect her to be anywhere near the level of beauty as Memi of course ... but she is decent for a BG la.

Used to work in ladies-only Spa and just started work for 4 days. Skills-wise she is good. I think she's a good choice for guys who need younger BG.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


I believe Memi for the whole week was in Wanchai Exhibition Centre working .. that exhibition in which the closure lead to bad traffic jam fri nite.

She told me that she does Spa in her own shop and definitely would after her 'job'. Might see her there today if go?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


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Hahha... i 'big' you and pay her for the privilege of being her masseur / spa-man la ....

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Fanny is v good too ...  more 'strong' than KK. Young + quite pretty too

Saw Memi in teh Spa today ... she looks quite different from her model'ing photos but still v beautiful la.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 140# 的帖子

Photos mostly cutie look, but real person more 淑女. Only a truly beautiful girl can be like that ....

I'm looking forward to 'sexy' look ... better in person, if not more photos other than the recent set .. ..


回復 189# 的帖子

Bro, no worries man. At least some critics gotta be 'writers' of enemy spas/saunas la ...




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