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[原創] 抽股結果

原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2006-12-7 04:02 PM 發表
i apply 5 but none too
I applied 100K + 200K shares and got 1K (1%) + 1K (0.5%).


原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2006-12-7 02:34 PM 發表
then applying this #1818 with margin is not a good idea.
what's wrong with applying #1818 with margin?


原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2006-12-8 02:43 PM 發表

Just my personal thinking.

The break even is at around $15.56 (information from Apple Daily News) based on around 6% borrowing rate & share's low allocation rate, and #1818's daily low p ...
As unlucky as I am, my cost is $14.95 per share.  So, there's nothing wrong with profit of over $1 per share.

Even if 70-80% profit goes to interest payment, it represents 20-30
% profit on a risk-free investment.

相關搜索目錄: Investment


原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2006-12-9 02:10 AM 發表

Thankyou for your post.

Yes, profit is a profit.

No risk? not really, as said the break-even for 6% rate & certain group is at around $15.56 (from apple daily news), and its daily low ...
One thing for sure is, these IPOs with hundreds of X oversubscription will not go under water.  Then there's no risk.  The interest cost for 7 days, a few thousand $ for a few million $ application, in the whole scheme of things, is not a risk.  

I look at the IPO business collectively, and subscribe 9 out of 10 and gain 8 out of the 9 with the other one a breakeven.  I can't pick and choose which one to subscribe and which one I'll avoid as I don't know which one will be a success.  Even if I lose one here and there, it won't bother me at all.  I'll just move on to the next one.

Apple picked the expensive interest rate of 6% (where many banks charges you 4.8%), sell at daily low (which I will never do) and get the least allocation.  One has to be really stupid and unlucky to be in all of them.  So Apple can continue to be a doomsday prophet and I continue to get my paycheck twice a week while it lasts.




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