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CA trip july 12th - 14th

CA trip july 12th - 14th

it's my first time to post here, so hope bro here will like it.
special thanks to 7-siu, for all the pre-trip information!  thanks 1million times!!

July 12th @ 16:30 - started the trip from Lo Wu, took us (3 ppl) around 1 and a hr and a half hr to CA

18:00 arrived to the factory, saw some brothers standing at the lobby waiting for the workers to get in place

18:30 a daddy introduced my friend a worker..  looks not bad and my friend took it..  and for me, I decided to be patient and keep waiting..  

19:30 saw a few ok workers, but some of the were 'inconvenient" that night, or they were hired by another brothers already..  

19:40 daddy brought 10 workers in the room for us to choose..  i choose a workers from there..  (at the end of night i think i made a serious mistake..  'cause the worker had a very bad breathe..  but i was too lazy to ask her to leave)

20:00-23:00 dinner, drinking, and some undressing dice game..  very standard procedure..  

23:30 one friend arrived late and surprisingly, the daddy were able to bring 10 not bad quality worker in..  i wanted to change..  but i didn't have the courage..)

1:30  by end of night we drank totally of 3 dozen of beer..  the whole bill was rmb1300(included 200 DJ charge) 

quick comment on the factory: the number of workers really decreased compared to last time i went there...  by around 8:30, i could hardly find any worker at the lobby..  

next day, spent the day and walked around in CA, went to a place for normal massage..  then around 11:30, went to GDI and get a racing queen to spend over night with me..  

on monday, i really think I was exhausted..  

hope brother won't hate my boring report..  

I would like to dedicate this report to 7-siu, for his help!!
  • denny2000 體力 +10 原創內容 2008-7-17 09:55
  • denny2000 威望 +10 原創內容 2008-7-17 09:55


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-7-17 09:14 發表

Good try for your virgin report (1st time writing)...

went to GDI and get a racing queen -what does GDI mean?
the dragon island..  i didn't get queen though, lexus is good enough for me


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-18 08:44 發表
What about the hardware for GDI.............?
ok ga, things are pretty new

btw, any weather report on CA right now?


actually i think the theme is race queen there..  4,5,600 charges, DG SN standard service..  i prefer 500 one though..


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-18 15:46 發表
What about the room charge.........? Included?
i called in before, so it's 100 bucks

even walk in is 138 something like that




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