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回復 #156 老江湖 的帖子

Brother - thanks for the info. Could u please share with us how this 豆豆 is much better than other BGs mentioned before?


回復 #322 老江湖 的帖子

I tried 燕子 (xiao yan) from Anan a few days back. I would say her look is acceptable (this is very subjective) but she is very amicable with good attitude. Compared to other MMs I tried before, the difference I found was she focused more on getting you excited than the actual massage itself....if you know I mean....


回復 #331 老江湖 的帖子

I actually didn't go (nor ask) for a full course....I just asked for a "body treatment".....and right from the beginning she didn't really give me a serious massage and i guess she didn't intend to do that anyway....


回復 #334 awanker 的帖子

I guess so....she is from Anan and her face is a little "sqaure".....and i recalled she said she is from "An Hui"...


Very interesting...is the price range similar to those offered by Anan...etc?



回復 #469 老江湖 的帖子

Thanks Bro 老江湖 again. I am planning a trip to SH in late Jun and will definitely try again. One more question - afterall which agent do you think offers the best MM and services? There are so many recommendations here and is getting "confusing"....haha....


no matter which "ching ching" she was, did she offer good service and was she pretty? if the service was good, i guess the extra $100 was worth spending.....


bro - will go to SH soon....just wondering is it safe to arrange call in services now (olympic period) and other than 佳佳 from葉子, any other recommendations? many thx!


回復 532# 的帖子

Thank you bro Doer


回復 532# 的帖子

Tried 佳佳 from葉子 recently as recommended by brother 老江湖 and Doer. I would say her look and body was average, but the overall service was not bad. What I like is that she made it clear from the beginning the prices for different services (not ML) so there were no surprises......


回復 2019# 的帖子

Is call in service safe in beijing (those similar to shanghai, going to an international 5=star hotel like hyatt, westin....etc)? if so, pls advise agent contacts and service types...million thanks.


very good info. it has been more than a year since i last visited shanghai and it seems the service has improved.

btw, i will visit chengdu next week, any c hing as any recommendations? many thanks.


Tried C-Yu from Xiao Ting earlier this week. I was hoping to go for Xiao Jun but she is on leave. As reported by other Chings, she looked a bit mature but quite tall. She was very "co-operative"/open. How far could you go depends on the mood....  Not a bad experience afterall.




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