原帖由 nikilau 於 2008-3-6 23:47 發表
Hi "SIG" thanks for the information.
but it is more sort of international forum, , isn't there a local forum at all? I want to exchange more sort of shooting experience in Hong Kong , and to an certain extent make friends with some hobby as well.
Hi buddy, I just saw your other message on this same issue inside the civilian根ner…… forum, frankly spaeking it is hard to find pure *real guns ONLY* forum in HK, some threads that discussing about real firearms usually related to those *war-gamers* forum.
Anyway the link I sent you yesterday also have many local shooters login and discuss, perhaps you should give it a try. FYI, the moderator Vince Pinto of that site is located in HK.
1.) I don think I will ever touch IPSC Open. <- which CGC offer best venue.
2.) I know I will be very into IPSC Production Division, considering buying a Glock , SIG ,or others depends which fit me better, from rental experience. <- CGC is still best for this.
4.) sport and target shooting with 9mm pistol, .22 rifle , non ipsc style, <- HKRA is the best for this , I think.
HKRA - life membership around 80K HKD, it is more non -profit originated , but what they offer is sort of boring for me, from my understanding.
I have combined the answers for the above questions, please read from my personal point of view about Pros & Corns of joinning this diffferent gun club.
Besides Life Member you could join
HKRA as ordinary member for around HK$3XXXX, and pay annual fee.
As a beginner, certainly you have to shoot in a boring way there, but once you became an advance shooter that is a chance to shoot PPC and go for an exam to be an IPSC shooter. As I know in recent yeras many
HKRA members get IPSC qualified AFTER joining that club.
The thing is, their range is not approved by the Arms Licensing Office to be use for IPSC style shooting, so those members can only shoot this kind of action shooting in other range like overseas.....
CGC you're free to draw pistol from your holster once you get IPSC qualified, and you could test fire more different brand and model of guns before making decision which one to buy, however their selling price is much more than buying from other arms dealers in HK, and friend of mine told me if a CGC member wants to get any firearm from outside, they will charge quite a high *
document fee* in order to recommend the member for apply an licence!

3.) I also love Clay shooting, I also love beautiful engraved shot gun <- HKGC has the best and only venue for this
Clay pigeon is very fun for me, but very expensive as well. I don think I will get into that until 10 years later. I also heard there is two good Clay pigeon shooting ground in Zhuhai , 厚街國際飛碟射擊俱樂部, and Pinevilleyclub. Anyway, I heard, unless you really know the insider , it is very hard to join HKGC.
I do really enjoy shooting shotgun loaded with OO Buck shot or smaller shot shell, for clay shooting had tried several times sorry, it's not for me! I love combat shotguns but NOT Over & Under double barrel fully engraved one!

So I have no idea about the 厚街國際飛碟射擊俱樂部.
Unless you are the type of person who likes to drive a Porsche or Ferarri to Tai Mo Shan on Sunday, showing off your fancy EXPENSIVE Italian hand-made Over & Under shotgun, being a *talk gun* and BS instead of really shoot there, than I do suggest you join HKGC as a member.
FYI, besides money is the issue, it needs relation to join otherwise you'll be rejected from their committee!

HKGC, the IPSC range is closed cuz of soil eruption
Ha ha, I was there in 2005, the heavy rain screw up the pistol range. As far as I know it has been re-constructed after 3 years and that might be a chance IPSC shooters can shoot in there again, so let's stay tune.....

Now, CGC ammo is usually 1HKD more expensive then other GC per round. $4.5 HKD per 9mm .
Hell no, that is bloody HIGH price ammunition!

I pay almost half of that for 9mm FMJ round, for HKD 4.5 I could even get some quality hollow point from other dealers.....

6.)Deact gun, I don need to join a gun club for this, and I plan to buy a deact ZB26 and chinese Mauser ,zhong zhen shi rifle, in the near future. These two guns represent a very important of our history.
HK Government is getting tighter on deactivated guns in the past few years, more and more modification need to be done on the firearm for getting approved, some even said recently it is hard to get approved to obtain a deact 物先根 (e.g. ZB26) or 濕物先根 (e.g. MP5), don't know whether it is true, but mine one (pistol) was being modified before 1997 and don't have any problem at all.
I had shoot the ZB26 and Mauser M96 in mainland China, no special feeling about these two cause it is not my dream gun, moreover lots of the old 7.92X57mm WWII rounds for ZB26 misfired, it must be dead primer problem.
BTW, what is zhong zhen shi rifle you mentioned?

Anyway, I gotta go, already disclosed too much which I guess upset somebody, perhaps they'll send some hitman trying to terminate me.....

Cheers buddy!