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[原創] 兩 日 三 夜 廣 東 閒 遊

一入到黎我地都打個突,唔係話個個好靚女,靚唔靚各花入各眼既,但係就個個都好高有1米7度,都只係普通級300姐,到Model 入黎只有3個但著住鞋個個都高過我,好奇怪唔知呢個場響邊度搵咁多高人返黎,如果俾我好鐘意爬樹個同事黎到見到一定開心到暈,

I also like 爬樹 as well. I rarely met any MM who is above 170 cm tall. Can you tell/PM me the location of this SN? Appreciate~~


Thanks for the info HKZHOU


Thanks for the info from HKZhou. I have been the 2nd one on Friday afternoon around 4pm. At that time there are 4~5 MM available with below average quality. So I ask for Model. The manager said that
Model start to work after 6pm, she said if I really want a Model she can call one up back. After 40 mins,
the model arrived. She looks OK, 164 cm tall, from NorthEast China, not very slim but not fat. So I
picked her finally. The process is the same as in another SN so i am not going to disclose. Overall, my
comment is average. Perhaps I get used to play in CP SN so I prefer to have 2Q rather than 1Q. I
suggest you bros should go there after 6pm next time as there would be more MM for choosing.


原帖由 LoneRanger 於 2008-6-30 01:50 PM 發表

Bro Denny,
4:30 羅湖大巴站上路, 因有乘客車票問題, 航班延誤三十分鐘.大約六點三十分到當地大巴站, 然後打的到目的地, FYI, 大廈叫HSBC大廈.
入門見大堂靜靜, 有個男部長招呼入房,房 ...
$100 is the room charge, so the total price are 4,5,6


原帖由 LoneRanger 於 2008-6-30 01:50 PM 發表

Bro Denny,
4:30 羅湖大巴站上路, 因有乘客車票問題, 航班延誤三十分鐘.大約六點三十分到當地大巴站, 然後打的到目的地, FYI, 大廈叫HSBC大廈.
入門見大堂靜靜, 有個男部長招呼入房,房 ...
There is bus going to CP from there, the station is the same as to Lo Wu




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