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Certainly BJ is more expensive & quality is not as good. But sometime men cannot control their destination. Any ifo from Bros? Will report.


Just a brief report of an experience couple of months back.
Called Xio ting, I think. Ask for an open girl, evasive when asked about FS. Had a girl Ching Sun (Cantonese, menaing morning), been in business several yrs. Knows about LJW. fair looking, fair massage & HJ, no FS & no body search. Package of safe massage & FS at hotel is really attractive. Will try othere next tiem.


Asked Xiao Ting to arrange one who could offer FS several weeks ago. Came one called Yao Yun. In 20s fair outlook & figures. Good FS but did not really ahve massage as was short of time.
This was better that my previous expereince months ago. thanks LJH!


Thanks to LJW big brother, had a pleasant trip to shnaghai recently.
Called Xioting for Moon Moon. Very nice girl from Hunan. Excellent attitude, good massage. Girl friend feel but could not get her to take off clothes like Big Brother did.
Also arranged for Kitty from Baby. Came a bit late but I had time so no problem. Excellent service attitude. she is short though. Went all the way. Service beyond expectation.


回復 3612# 的帖子

Thanks again LJW Big brither for reminding. You are right about their home town.


回復 3853# 的帖子

C Hing,
Would you have info on 濟南 in 山東? Many thnaks in advance.


回復 4382# 的帖子

Please has any C Hing got info for Sauna or similar service in Hangzhou. will have a few days there next week.
Many thanks in advance & will report back.


回復 5071# 的帖子

HI Big Brothers, Is Xiaoting number still this one? 1#818#82972
Any big brothers can pls pm number of Anan & Xinyuan? I think the numbers I have are too old. Thousand thanks.




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