推介:| 修理頂蓬布 | Mediator course | Hypnosis course | Dream Interpretation | NLP | English course |



I will be in shanghai in September too and the easiest fastfood for guys is the sauna above the Motel168, good price and service is not bad. You just walk up to the 5th floor, I am not sure it is 5th or not, and start you fun. The motel should be close by in Jian An area. I will stay in Pudong area, JinQiao area. a lot GweiLow area. Everytime I head into the foot massage place, I always bump into some white guys or chics and I think they are starting to get into the foot massage habit.
Due to the time restraint of my last trip, I wil try to nap this foot massage girl this time. She is really pretty but FRESH, work there for 3 months from country side. May be still a virgin. Of course, I will hit my usual massage girl there. They are the semi-pro and I like that. If timing is right i may be to meet up with one of the fellow Ching.


The motel address I believe is 武定路1185號. It is just north of line 2 Jian An station couple blocks North only. If you stay in the area, just ask the hotel clerk/ front desk for direction. It should be within walking distance. Sometimes it is easier to walk than take a taxi. Just like Macdonald fastfood, you see what you get from the fish tank. Have fun




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