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An unspected Red T-Back

An unspected Red T-Back

C-Hing, what will you do if you are in situation as below

In China factory, you found your young female colleagues wearing red T-back incidently. She is from small village in WuNan, young, kind of pretty, with OK body shape and big boob(around 36E) and direct report to you.


回復 #13 jzhang5595134 的帖子

Can't find a SN girl instead because she is so pure. Yes, She work for me. See her around twice a week because those are the day I need to be in the factory to work.
Well understand the problem la. That I why I post here.
But the problem is why a girl from village are wearing T-back nowaday. I new factory office girl with only a 2k plus salary


回復 #20 老江湖 的帖子

Not a bad choice. But I bit difficult to do because need to find out what she is thinking in the case.

Any bother has such situation to share?


回復 #32 sniper0357 的帖子

I do agree she wear that for showing around. Whether that is for me? I don't know.

Still stuggling. Will keep you guys updated since she will be in HK for business purpose next week


回復 #39 micofe 的帖子

Sure I want to see. I am a t-back lover. And I am sure we all want to see.
However, I don't intent to see it. She sitted in front of my room. When I walked out and I found her jean was very low and there was a red string across her waist.




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