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Toronto Guys


Hi bro's!
just found this site by Google-ing, great for info! Will contribute reports in the future...


原帖由 here4u 於 2006-9-19 05:59 AM 發表

例如電話: 肆壹陸 陸陸陸 發發發發

主要街名用譯音: 例如 窩頓, 夏巴, 麥考雲, 氏刁等......
good idea - I can read but don't know how to type so I will be reporting in English...



原帖由 rtsang88 於 2006-9-3 06:36 PM 發表
I was working OT everyday and was exhausted so I want a really good massage.
Finally I try this one:
"上海柔情按摩 ,一流冷氣舒適環境青春漂亮技精按摩師推油踩背早九晚一.416-880-8948".
Today I had the same experience as Bro rtsang88
called the # first was busy (working?) then went thru hafl hour later. book a time and show up. Was told both available but only Wai Wai opens the door (Amy is working) - she's not 青春 but 漂亮 for a C9. I would says she's at her early 30's. Everything is as bro rtsang88 described. I really enjoy the 推油踩背 and friendly service. Worth the $100.
Will try Amy next time...


Kor bbbj

this one I went (3-4 months ago) had similar service:
正宗韓國美女         一流的美貌一流的身材一流的服務請電中英文
YONGE/STEELES          15 Meadowview ave       
416-457-2850 $130        3-4 Kor (visitor)

Bro rtsang88's file says they are closed, maybe same keeper (Ch. man) but new location?



can you put an extra column for area? like Scarb, N.York, DT, Markham, RH... easier to sort...

regarding the Kor place, girls look average (compare to Kor Heaven) but they give bbbj and poison-dragon-drill can't wait to visit this one at Shep/Bayview... but it's $140 now?!

[ 本帖最後由 WuMing 於 2006-9-22 10:16 AM 編輯 ]


原帖由 Bill4r 於 2006-9-28 12:16 PM 發表

For my age, I love to but, just would not be able to 起 雙 飛 .
Usually it cost double the money.
So, I would rather save my money for the next session.
r u 標哥哥 or 標叔叔

Back to the topic, I will not 起 雙 飛 here in Canada but it's on my to-do list if back to China


thanks for the report!
so LIme & Papaya is onmy to-do list now...


long time no talk

Wow, I went to Montreal for 1 week and things changed on this board...

BTW, nothing interested found on MERB so no action in Montreal :-(

[ 本帖最後由 WuMing 於 2006-10-16 12:51 PM 編輯 ]




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