推介:| 懷孕輻射 | 頭暈輻射 | 失眠輻射 | 頭疼輻射 | 腦腫瘤輻射 | 記憶障礙輻射 | 耳損傷輻射 | 抑鬱輻射 | Celine Bags | 嬰兒用品 | Loewe Bag |



原帖由 john 於 2006-9-21 01:07 AM 發表

  I also go this week....(Go to K Kwan or Golden leaf)

Is safe now ??

Hear that 9-18 has action ?!
Well - I also heard that 9-18 has action


first of all, thanks for brother Peninsula's info. some time ago

And i go to Green City (by taxi cost me RMB13)

Date : 19 Sep
BG : 108 山東

Product : very white skill and good skill in BJ, no toe, no flying man, no 2nd shot, BTW she want to french kiss w/ me but i reject,
Price : RMB268 - 10 discount = RMB258
Place : acceptable w/ water bed

i pick up the BG from the 2nd round (three each) and i think there're totally >20 BG's but at such price is very very reasonable

Conculsion : very worth to try compare with the price but
BG quantity : not too much
BG quality : average / depend on your luck, just remind that some BGs is below avergae

[ 本帖最後由 icanfly2 於 2006-9-21 12:18 PM 編輯 ]


原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-9-21 04:59 PM 發表

Don't go if you are scared!
yes, i'm so scare casue the BG told me not to go. so i didn't go on 18th



原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-10-4 11:37 AM 發表

After 3:30am? Most will allow overnight stay after 11:30pm!
wanchai, ho tin (after 23:59 free of charge, before charge $100)
green city (after 23:00 FOC)

most of them no extra charge if you go after 23:59




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