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訂最低工資 時薪33至35元

$33一個鐘, 一日做十個鐘, 一個月做廿四日, 月薪 = $7,920, OK嗎?


原帖由 至尊豪庭9 於 2008-10-6 19:25 發表

, 一日十粒鐘, 你就先入為主唔連飯鐘同休息, 就係黑奴.

我都當長短周, 你就要全長. , 美國同祖國都係四十小時一周. 其餘加班另計. 祖國仲定明每星期最少要有一日休息.
你講野咁大聲, 要跟咩規矩, 你講清楚喇.

講時講, 你做邊行, 如果係會計就精彩.

相關搜索目錄: 會計


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-10-7 13:40 發表

2 different issues!
你可以話係different issues,但係絕對有莫大關係, 而唔可以唔去作出考慮.

簡化作出比如, 最低工資一出, 一定會影響 "所有" 行業, 最前線, 茶餐廳, 7仔, 百佳, 零售, 後勤有會計, 文員, 雜工, 送貨. 個市好既時候, 咪加價. 大家有多d咪洗多d.

個市唔好, 左減右治之後, 都要加價. 大家咪飲少杯咖啡, 出少d街, 洗少d錢, 睇下邊個失業先.  高通脹加高失業, 好似叫"stagflation".

以往經濟出問題, 都係工業支持住, 生產力出口. 但係今次會有d唔同.  有無留意東莞10億救中小企. 銀碼係小, 重點係姿態, 有無朋友做廠?  同佢地傾傾, 問題係好嚴重.

首先搞清楚, 我唔係反對最低工資.  但係做野一定要睇大勢時機.  對或者錯係好主觀既一回事, 不過, 現實就客觀到不得了, 唔好同我講一步就可以到烏托邦.

車要維修找車房, 病要睇醫生, 電路要交比工程師.  依定美國經濟出問題都係由 Bernanke 同 Paulson 諗計去處理. 咩叫專業知識. 而我地香港尊貴議員, 有幾多專業知識, 大家心裡有數.  

尊貴議員唔識唔係問題, 無人可以識所有野, 咪聽取專業意見, 然後基於 "香港整體利益", 而唔係 "私人主觀執著, 或者政治分數, 票源利益" 來做野.
民主嗎, 好似長毛係"高票"當選, 咪睇下佢地點做.

最低工資, 咪最低工資.  經濟出問題, 就唔好一句說話, "行政失當",  班尊貴議員就好似完全無責任.

相關搜索目錄: 會計 咖啡 工程


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-10-10 21:02 發表

At least $40. Now, things are so expensive and economy is going down the tube.
物價同經濟係的而且確既事實, 但係$40 最低工資係咪答案?

遠既, 高地價房屋問題, 有人曾經想用8萬5公屋來做答案.

近既, 尊貴既黃議員, 叫取消強積金, 就每個香港人張來都會退休保障. 人口老化會點? d錢響邊到來?

千絲萬縷, 如果真係高d最低工資就可以解決問題, 不如比夠時薪$100, 我都想大家多d錢洗.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-10-11 20:42 發表

There must be a basis.
Not only there must be a basis; there HAS been a basis, which HAS been dictated by the market.
The concern is whether the government should intervene the labor market? how should it be done? what are the consequences of such intervention?

There aren't simple answers, but one thing for sure is, hopefully, someone who knows what he/she is talking will answer this questions for Hong Kong.


原帖由 Rubber 於 2008-10-12 11:09 發表
Some reports about the effect of minimum wage ordinance :
In UK and USA, the findings have been
1/  There has " no measurable adverse effect on employment or inflation."
2/  No obvious incentive fo ...
From a fundamental scientifical stand point, if the above reports' conclusions are to be applied to Hong Kong, the reports' premises and pre-conditions should be in agreement with Hong Kong's conditions for the conclusion to be valid.

I presume you have read the reports.  In UK's case, in drawing the conclusion, what were they doing to the minimium wages?

In Florida's case, do you think the construction industry blooming (Thanks for CDS and CDO) has anything to do with the economy status at 2005?

Here's a link from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


原帖由 Rubber 於 2008-10-13 11:26 發表

In the UK, from the report, they have been increasing the min wage on a yearly rate higher than the average national income increase, that means the lowest income groups are increasing their incom ...
For UK, here is the link to the Low Pay Commission Report 2008


Do read the Chairman's Foreward

For Florida, on 2005, with the cheap mortgage readily available, they were selling Florida like paradise at an arm's length.  With no real production output increase, yet the property market was blooming.  Jobs were everywhere at that stage of economy.

Behavioral science is not exact science.  I give you that.  But we believe in science, I think we should never doubt the emprical methodolgy of science.  

Newton is wrong. NO! There is just something beyond Newton, we call that Quantum Physics.


原帖由 moxfactor 於 2008-10-13 18:18 發表

in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deteri ...
Mox, I am sure you're well aware of the fact that almost all nations across the globe place economy as their top priorities.  

Economic used to be simpler, how we compete for limited resources, supply, demand, markets. It's an competition game.  The thing with this game is that the winner will do pretty well, but the weak, unwanted, will get eliminated.  They have a system for this game; it's called "Free Market". Do you still carry a cassette walker around? Well, it's pretty close to be eliminated.  Likewise for the cassette industry, and the work force that specialize in it.

We are never borne equal; some are always faster, smarter, work harder, mouth with a silver spoon.  Again, they will do well.  But for the folks at the other end, this competition game, this system of free market, how this economy works just doesn't add up.  It's beyond right or wrong, it's about the nations' stability and viability.  Governments have the power to redistribute wealth, to balance out the equation of this game.  And there will be trade off, consequences.  Thus, how are we going to do this?

Mandatory minimum wages is neither entirely good nor bad.  It's a mean, a tool, a measure.  And there is time we would need to use this tool.  We all build our nations based on competition, and we will be distorting the system to a different model as the government step in.  That's why, hopefully, someone who knows what he/she is talking about could answer for Hong Kong.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-10-13 21:14 發表

So now people are better off!

在國際金融海嘯的巨浪衝擊下,有「世界工廠」之稱的中國亦遭重創。美聯社、美國有線新聞網絡(CNN )報道,金融海嘯令歐美等國對玩具、日常用品的需求量勁減,外國廠商紛「撻訂」,中國各廠房損失慘重,國內進出口受衝擊,中國將引發工廠倒閉潮。國家發改委早前已透露,今年上半年內地已有近七萬家中小企業倒閉,逾二千萬人被解僱,中小企業面臨前所未有的困難。
廣交會揭幕成交料減30 %
在廣州生產擴音器的美國商人理查森(Richardson )表示,過去兩星期,美國的定單已減少逾半,其十二名客戶中,有九人取消來穗與其洽談生意。中國商務部發言人姚申洪亦承認,中國加工貿易出口形勢嚴峻,全球經濟下行風險對中國對外貿易影響正不斷顯現。

Orinetal News, A35

其實睇下d數據, 跟本響金融爆褒前, d中小企業已經出咗事.

一般物料升幅為30%, "執行"基本最低工資, (深圳二線為例), 由往年12月$600, 加到1月750. 今年七月去到$900, 跟據勞動局, 以後每年仲要定年加15%.  叫d中小企業點頂?

d公司出事, 對工人, 對社會係咪好事?  工人也好, 老細也好, 無左競爭力, 就要比市場搞掂.  現實就係咁既一回事, 做野要睇大時大勢, 然後諗清諗楚.  先出手.  

希望 now people are better off.

相關搜索目錄: 玩具


原帖由 飛毛腿 於 2008-10-22 13:52 發表
... ...
幾十年前舊樓有咩高地價 ? 政府有咩理由同能力去控制私人地舖租金水平 ?
... ...
以為賤地價就人人可以安居樂業 ?
首先, 價格釐定係供求. 但係大前提係個市. 政府要做既係點樣作出"財富資源分配政策以平衡競爭同社會協調". "控制市場"只可能係其中一個手段.

個市好, 大家搵到錢有能力既時候, 樓市需求價格升. 開心到不得了.
ok, 個市唔好又點, 對於一d失業, 低收入, 少積蓄, 剛踏出社會既人, 如果仲要比高樓價既租金, 係百上加斤.

政府有理由同能力 "作出財富資源分配政策" 去降低生活成本.  個政策叫 "公共屋邨", 而公屋商舖租金比較便宜, 所以商品價格有"下調空間", 但係價格始終同"市場"決定.

"公共屋邨"係香港社會既資產, 對於買賣公屋我係好有保留.

老董的政策係想短期內控制市場, 降低樓價以降低整體社會生活成本, 提高整體社會競爭力.  

問題係老董無睇清楚個大勢, 無諗清楚事件因由後果. 就去干預市場. 難聽一句, 佢唔知佢自己做緊咩.

個市唔好, 抄家離塲, 用家托市, 高供款已經辛苦, 一生積蓄化為烏有. 唔好話8萬5係為商家, 係咪好心我唔知, 不過結果就係壞事.

依家最低工資就係"控制市場".  要做唔係問題. 但係, 唔該, 尊貴既議員, 做野要睇大時大勢, 然後諗清諗楚.  先出手.


咁樣講, 8萬5真係天真到不得了.

不過, 如果在所有其他狀況不變之下. (跟本無可能) 經濟學上, 降低樓價係會提高整體社會競爭力.  

有機會了解下老撾, 呢十年變化好大, 發展潛力好高.




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