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[疑難] 入大陸包二奶必看.

作為一個女人, 我覺得, this's a mess what you made, and no one wanna push you do whatever u don't like. 而家你終於嘗到苦果, 但小朋友is innocent, 我都唔想她再受佢媽媽無理o既傷害.

Here, you said you're from Endland, 嘗試到廣州o既英國使館備案, as long as 你同你daughter有血緣關係, 而你可以問你律師意見. 記住! 你英國citizenship身份, 我想英國使館可能受理的. 還好你有跟你英國的太太商量, 可見你本質並不太壞, 以後要小心一點, 小朋友係無罪的, 作為爸爸你一定要檢討.

Good luck!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 hcco 於 2007-8-2 15:39 發表
When you done something before, No one will know what will be happenning, specially, when you having the good time with her for long period, I don't even expecting she has been big changing, Right  ...
Sorry for my rude, coz my ex-hus had an affair with someone strange up in Mainland since I carried his baby.  Frankly I swore did nothin' wrong since married hm, but why I suffered it.  Does it play fair to me?  You know what, women in Mainland's wicked absolutely and that's why dun want anyone I knew do the same way like my ex-hus. Plus, I spent more than a yr gettin' over it.  No matter what, just take gd care of you little girl and stay away from ur scary wife.

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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