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[疑難] 故事又有新发展

原帖由 小白狼 於 2007-8-4 12:47 發表
我现在真的不知道点办好,几万我还拿得出,就怕被人骗,心里承受不起,偏偏对她有了感觉,做男人有时候真的好烦,男人又好贱啊,明知道不该& ...
Yes, you may be able to pay this time, how about the future? do you believe the MM's GT only ask you once if you have in the future?

to be more proactive, no more monies paid and help MM direct if MM is willing to follow you.

besides, these monies can protect you and your MM as well if you could have $35000 in mainland china. must have many people help you. i am not teaching you doing something illegal but to be self protected !

you should use monies in a useful way, not a wasteful way! otherwise, i think you may make the problem more complicated...


原帖由 小白狼 於 2007-8-4 12:47 發表
我现在真的不知道点办好,几万我还拿得出,就怕被人骗,心里承受不起,偏偏对她有了感觉,做男人有时候真的好烦,男人又好贱啊,明知道不该& ...
"做男人有时候真的好烦"...............this statement is really naive!

everyone has its problem, not just you.
you should be mature enough to take up the responsibility and face with the problem, in particular when you need to protect the one you loved....

i am not laughing you, but you should be brave and clever enough to stand !

otherwise, you are still just a child and on the contrary, you need to be protected and not to protect others now !!!


原帖由 lingcl 於 2007-8-7 18:42 發表

totally agreed. sometimes do not look down MM. They might have much more experience than you.............




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