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[已解決] 凱旋門桑拿報告

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-5 10:19 發表

Bro Kitten,
Got your PM. Thanks so so so much!
Now I got another choice @ MK.  


原帖由 joeyyung 於 2007-11-8 00:34 發表
noted &tks..
I just called to see if I can mark the girls,
The manager (Anna or Ada) asked me if I came before 11/1 or after and I said after for veggie.
The girls were all on duty and she asked me to come next day and pre-mark for me
Anyway, I still havent got a chance to visit but the impression of her service was very positive!!


Sorry for late report.
I didnt talk to anyone as I was in a rush and only listen a bit to the manager telling 2 old cuctomers that it has became veggie already,
For !#, look cannot say pretty but at least comfortable.
Body not very slim but her thigh skin is quite smooth.
Also, with shorts underneath her skirt.
Back to massage.  
Dup skills quite so so, she spent 40 minutes on dub for my whole back, neck, hand, legs, which is not normal as it took one session already. I didnt tell her to stop as I want to see how she complete the massage.
After dup she started oil massage. I told her that I do want back massage anymore and flip to ask her to start breast and stomach oil massage (hehe, I know I only have one session left)
Oil massage was way better and the feeling was good too (may be due to facial work before).
I told her to do more on my "Y" area and when she did my legs she automatically gave me 3/4.

Hardware OK but I dont like the washing area
Restroom decent but too bright (I prefer SS except HSM has personal TV)
Room, the bed is too hard to lie down and same light is crazy bright, cant sleep at all
!# is little talkative and asked for info at other saunas like SS
Bro White Kitten, !# is doing well and made me feel comfortable but her weak points I think is her dub skills, so I think need to tell her not to spend too much time there and starts oil earlier (which I will tell her next time)
原帖由 newkid 於 2007-11-12 12:19 發表
Sat 又去左, G姐又再次發揮好客精神, 而各服務員亦好熱情, 係休息室傾左成四個字先入房, 只是招呼都令我想再去.食物冇試, 冇意見.

再次做!#, 技術明顯進步, 因冇天花架, 識得用跪來做背,
推油都進步左:verygo ...
  • 白貓兒 威望 +60 原創內容 2007-11-12 16:04
  • 白貓兒 體力 +60 原創內容 2007-11-12 16:04


回復 #121 白貓兒 的帖子

Went again. Report for 2 BGs.
I did not book and said I want soft feel like !#, tried by suggestion.
BG # is !). Look not very good and she has not much smile too. I slept down and she started dup. Strong and accurate, si fu standard. However, I was not too happy yesterday (due to stock market) I need someone to make me feel more "comfortable". I told her that she didnt suit me and asked to work for 1 session only. Anyway, she is ok and we started chat about HSM.
For anyone who prefer sifu quality she is ok for sure.
Back to restroom, Ada came over asked what happen, I said I need someone soft for me. She picked another one right away and told me can do 1 session with normal charge (very good service)
to be cont'd
  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 原創內容 2007-11-13 11:05
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 原創內容 2007-11-13 11:05


回復 #122 super123123 的帖子

Next BG is %, first impression was good, straight hair, ok slim body, decent look inside such a bright room. According to Ada, she described her as young, soft type but she said she is green and massage skills could be not as up to standard.
Anyway, started, we chat, she was found Windsor and she said one of the Windsor sf came here and asked them to join, but she said really different area and different type of customers bah blah....
Her dub skills is acceptable, not too bad and cannot say good. First impression was good but a little talkative. I stopped talking as I want to relax a bit.
Oil massage skills, her palm is soft and comfortable, she even told me the oil is from her own and I feel it is quite nice (not as oily as std).
After I flipped, I started looking at her, she tied up her hair which looks nice. I was watching her doing my stomach and legs, the feeling was great. Especially she put the oil on the floor and she had to blow up and down, seeing her white pair of legs was already an added value. (Again, the skirt is mini)
Anyway, her oil massage was good and smooth, I then started to ask her if she can massage my Y area. Her repiled was not allow (due to the message from mgmt) and she started to say everyone came there asked her if she will give plane or something.
She said she and her friends from Windsor only do pure massage. Anyway, I think she can give a bit more, but only she is new and worry about the rules given so far.
Anyway, I also suggest me to try her friend &, tall and strong feel.
  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 原創內容 2007-11-13 11:46
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 原創內容 2007-11-13 11:46


was on the street
but anyway I went early and not much choice
also the suggestion was from the other manager not ada
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-13 11:03 發表

Hehe, why dont you PM me and discuss with me first?


forgot to mention, I saw a nice looking BG when I left my room. I double checked at the counter and the BG number is blackjack! Bingo!
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-13 11:18 發表

但佢、%仔 、@!都係W記過來,
我上次做@!已覺C FU教得麻麻,
雖然@!樣ok.算啦,唔怕講埋, 就係我post#70果個.


Yes, but I think I will remark her later
Anyway I dont mind without 1/2, 3/4 if I like the BG
As before I went to OPS, most BG doesnt provide any 1/2 or 3/4 to me (as I am not the big spender)
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-13 14:33 發表

應唔係掛, 因一般齋場底線係不得「獱」住、'chok',
如推高D、入D係無所謂,例如OPS初開時都係咁講, 這不是等於鼓勵bg如此做,而是讓其各師各法, 而有經驗的 ...


To me the concern is more on the BGs

I dont see those "W" Bgs will stay long in this sauna as I doubt they can earn enough to compare to "W" before

For myself I pay $100-$150 for 2 sessions in HSM, as I will compare the price with SS where I can get more with $50 more.
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-13 14:09 發表
但知唔知以前凱旋門既另一老問題: 侍應無經驗,
日頭還好D, 夜晚就差D喇.......
剛換了locker, 竟然仲拿覑 ...


Tried &
Look: Average & comfortable, no make up, not as good as % for my opinion
Age: Young, late 20s-early 30s
Body: Slim, Tall, smooth
Massage skills: More strong and accurate, relax, but little too quick
Oil Massage: Deep and intense but not as "enjoyable" as % or !#
Comments: Enjoyable veggie massage, relax, but I dont like her speed which is a little too quick, able to finish all in 2 sessions. Again, mentioned many customers asked for VAS here, so I didnt ask and only enjoy the pure massage. To compare I prefer % more.
Also, will try @! next time
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-13 17:00 發表
BTW, a new bg joined SS very recently. Outward look is like 8's.

相關搜索目錄: Make up
  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 精品文章 2007-11-20 13:35
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 精品文章 2007-11-20 13:35


SS too popular and too crowded

But I cant enjoy too much since I was in hurry
Was in room 7 and the room is really  "old" wilth a bit bad smell too..
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-20 13:37 發表



仲乜唔先返S S 鎹.


Revisit after a break
Called and marked 50cents
The lovely manager not there but a new manager, name as SS nice dayshift manager. Name the same but attitude totally different. Didnt even speak to me and only the waitress asked me did I called for booking and brought me to the room.
Business was poor, only myself in the bathroom, in the restroom, out the bathroom again....
BG 50 cents was the same, massage ok, slow and still very very very pure. Even no massage on Y area after I double asked.
Next time need to try BlackJack
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-29 08:54 發表

  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 精品文章 2007-12-7 12:11
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 精品文章 2007-12-7 12:11


I actually remarked %
Yes, heard there are a few new BGs
But you see she didnt even speak to me!?!?
No problem, I just call and mark @^ or @! next time
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-12-7 12:19 發表

bg 50似乎個人問題,
反而26放d, 你睇我上邊reported過,
傳聞suki(由S C?)帶左d 靚女過黎,
咁S C 女不嬲有1/2;  ...


- age I think is mid 30s, look ok, local, body slim as well
- massage acceptable but cannot say good and too comfortable, fair if you dont need much
- local, quite talkative, no "miu mi" or "gf" feel esp she has straight to the point that she can offer the job for you
- I only go for pure but she asked several times for....
- Not my cup of tea but I will recommend to other brothers as she is a ok choice at HSM if you need the service
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-12-13 06:58 發表

  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 精品文章 2007-12-13 18:50
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 精品文章 2007-12-13 18:50




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