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[原創] 銀泉芬蘭浴

so how will you compare 99 with?
is she young?
原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-12-18 09:02 發表

昨晚先來了一個, 夜更99 (不是之前那個, 走左), 細粒樣甜dup功好, 有VAS.

另一個一月初返, 返日更.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 09:20 發表
The night shift pool attendant at S S, who has previously served at HSM (before it closed in October 2007), categorically told me that in the old HSM, towels in the rest lounge and massage rooms we ...
brother, still have a little bit concern everytime after massage at SS....


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 11:36 發表

But previously you went there quite some times. Did anything happen to you or you are just mindful of some cautionary remarks?
honestly both mindful plus my bro did feel itchy last 2-3 weeks... dont know if thats' related....


原帖由 garylock 於 2008-1-11 11:38 發表
I would say their towel are OK though I still have more confidence on those hotel sauna like Kobe and OPSS in Causeway Bay.  I think SS is fine however their location Sun Hing Building is kind of s ...
I didnt go anywhere else except a more decent sauna at TST, SS, and HSM. So it could be HSM instead.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 11:40 發表

so you stopped going a few weeks back?

Maybe you could ask the bg to clean her hands first.
Yes, I did stop both SS and HSM
Not sure if its really related but mindfully stop myself at this point, so just reading the threads only


原帖由 super123123 於 2008-1-11 11:46 發表

Yes, I did stop both SS and HSM
Not sure if its really related but mindfully stop myself at this point, so just reading the threads only
Well, I dont think their hands are major problem, now I really concern taking off my pants lying on those towels (which covering the massage bed)


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 11:50 發表

In my case, when my lower part is exposed, it either faces upward or rests on the bg's body.
yes, i think so


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 11:48 發表

Any new discovery at TST Sauna then?
back to my regular place only. clean but $$


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2008-1-11 11:50 發表

In my case, when my lower part is exposed, it either faces upward or rests on the bg's body.
any new recomendations for day?


Finall remarked ^

Still concern about cleanliness
Dont know if mental feel or what... feel little itchy again
Also one thing to say, I am not a smoker but I smell smoke on the towel when i was lying down... hope not a recycle

^ massage skills improved significantly, which is good
She is still not my cup of tea... personal issue
She auto gave "brother" massage which she said "SOMEONE" taught her
Anyway, I didnt react at all during that and almost just willing to be "PURE"
Then she stood back of my head and said wanna give me breast massage, I said ok.....
She massage from my breast all the way down to my dick, with her breast kept sqeezing my head....
....in that case.. I dont think I can stay calm but not react back...
I started touching & ... playing at that position... until job done.......
Again, she said she was taught by someone....
  • 白貓兒 體力 +30 精品文章 2008-1-17 18:23
  • 白貓兒 威望 +30 精品文章 2008-1-17 18:23


Tried #)
Havent been to SS for a long time
Look - Comfortable and pleasant, not very pretty but natural. Little bit short. Good to chat as she speaks like local already
Part 1 - Good, good strength, intensive and good service. I asked her to massage with her feet as well as oil massage by feet too.
Part 2 - Need to ask but she did it automatically. A little bit standard with not much bonus. Her "skills" is good and mature. Body acceptable but not to request too much.
Overall a very pleasant which both parts are good. For brother looking for massage she is the one with good "feel" but for brother looking for body and fun... not really I guess


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