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unbeatable...  always full details and pictures.   

皇廷酒店 is it in SZ?  I like the bath tub.. very romantic..

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-8-15 17:58 發表
He use this nick name to call P Hotel because that was the name of the hotel in a TVB series.
ya, it is the one in yellow river next to CP.  I recalled that HK ZHou submitted a report last year saying he had a great trip there..  I remembered the bath tub!!  

It is supposed to be an expensive place.. right?


原帖由 glucerna 於 2008-8-17 11:51 發表

and the doctors are not good although they are on 3-8-12? then, not worth it..


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We tried this before but sometimes, it creates bad effect since some girls (those high quality ones) will behave badly and hope you will releaes her/them early (so that they coudl try their luck for some late customers).  If you kept them intentionally, they would create a bad influence to other girls..  It happened to us before and that's why from that occasion, we use a slightly different method and it works better.

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-18 09:38 編輯 ]


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Brother Zhou, it was your 2nd shot already. What happened to your 1st shot? environmental friendly warrior? hehe

Haha, learnt new vocabulary. I only know and met  死鱼,咸鱼, etc..  not yet eating 蛋卷

ya, it happens to us in almost everytime.  Now, we have a trend that we play hard with girls who are more playful, but then brings back the other girl for fun..  We believe in the hypothesis of "if she is good in k, then she may not be good in room".

坤記診所掛號, 順便問姑娘拎探熱針俾佢探探熱,依家CP既恩客已經係冇晒尊嚴可言架喇,
Your desc. is right-on. However, this place is still full of patients.  It is like a good clinic is always full of patients since the doctors are good..  I have to say that the doctors quality is still above par..


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so, is the software compariable to those in CP, CA? my friends go there and say the s/w is not bad, but a bit moody since many of them are the younger breed.   However, they like this "Kau nui" feel.  They also warn me that some/many of hte girls do not want to stay overnight since many of them may have bf, wolf dogs, is it true?

Zhou, your adventurous spirit should be praised by all brothers here.  You have ventured to those not-so-popular small towns, participate in those unknown strangers' organized tours, etc.


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ya, I tried one dead fish 廠妹 and she spent 15 min. explaining to me she was a real 廠妹 and her first time to work in this service industry. However, her condition did not support her story.     However, I tried a claimed-to-be 廠妹 in Macau.  She told me it was her 2nd/3rd day and she had never worked in this industry.  I said , yes and thought, just another story.  However, when I started the detailed inspection, I thought I was wrong. she was so fresh, and got the 1-line abalone and her reaction was very natural.  So, it is luck if we could really eat the 廠妹 and have some good gf feel. I do not huave luck in this in general.

The GA does not know how to drill the $. hehe..




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