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[原創] “精” 盟會 – 獨戰英商 @ City A !!!!!!

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-31 12:48 發表
繼上次之戰後, 一直心思思, 想住我老襟果件Pussy cat., (佢件好似係空姊制服掛) 一早就打比美女主任定房同預約隻cat. 好心急上去. 好好彩唔洗等. 一到皇崗就有車開. 話咁快就到左A城,再轉的去英商大樓. 失望地見不到 ...
quick action wor..   the pussycat is really wild although I am not the one trying her...  

The manager looks good with make-up and her figure is good, and with her mini-skirt, i could see her under..


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-5 11:51 發表

Yes, education is very important.  But don't educate her that you'll call back within mins.  You can't really call back from China without showing your caller ID.  Even if you use your roaming num ...
all brother here...  Sorry to be too conservative.. but there may be 2-5 or ladies in this forum. If they read all these scaffolding tips, most of us will be 9-gor...  

by the way, I have tried the "skyland" 36E missles..  Being shot down and still enjoying it..  Need to find time to write a report since my tiger is with me.. shit...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-6 07:30 發表
36E....., fantastic and I like it.  Is Skyland in City A, which you have visited before too?

You're right, keep the scaffolding tips as low key and private as possible.  Let's discuss it in details ...
Yes, it is Skyland at City A.  There is room fee promotion, buy 2 get 1 free coupon for next purchase (do not specify expiry date but could register with the manager)..  Still expensive at 180 but the room is excellent in terms of feel. For those who want to stay overnight, this is the bette option than any other saunas since the soundproof is the best (and no window so no worry of being waken up by sunlight as what I did in France).  

I like the selection process. Some girls were in bathrobes. I said what the hell!  what could I see with bathrobes on? Within seconds, manager said "action" and the girls slowly (and with with some shyness) their bathrobes, revealing their missiles. They had picked those with beautiful missles and many of them are either 36, 38, D or E.  Many of them have pink "nose".    Unfortunately, this is not the place for beautiful faces as I had seen 5 rounds and only 4-5 could be regarded as beautiful..  However, our girls all performed welll with not-so-pro feel.   


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-6 12:08 發表
Well, that means $180 per room and can stay overnight??!!

Wow, "vacuum" under the bathrobes!!!!!!
of course, vaccum... Do you expect them to wear bra or underwear?

For ON, pls do check with manager before you commit. As usual, it applies only if you visit after 1130pm.. Same same to othe saunas.  

Def, I think it is less of a worry to you since you only do day-trip.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-6 22:14 發表
vacuum ......... very tempting!! Probably that's my next target!

Bro denny, never says never! Who exactly knows what will happen!!
Ya, we all go thru. similar cycle..   Plan getting more ambitious!!

If you have 2D1N, you and members should plan for a sauna crawl..  


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-8 08:44 發表

36E Missle............? I like it! Please let me have more details.

what details do you need? do you need a picture? sorry, I do not have one..  hehe   Anyway, I will do it via PM.


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-9 08:46 發表
Skyland Unlimited.............. should be another target place for def la!
Wa, froggie.. do not disclose the full name la. skyland is good enough.   

From last audit, this place has many big boobs girls..  The best thing is that some who have better shapes/colors ones are picked to reveal the "pairs" ! It is so saliva dropping.


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-9-9 08:54 發表

I think MP arrangement should be possible over there, too. Do you think so?
I don't think so. This is a classy establishment (at leat they pretend to be) and you should enjoy the private time with mui mui there ..  

Thats why I mentioned that the souond proof is excellent and the food is the best I tried at a sauna.


回復 198# 的帖子

下次我要同你同房, 睇下你有冇老作. 講番呢隻小野貓, 佢真係可以使你即時回覆生氣. 如果佢做我條囡, 我會好早精盡人亡架.

Yes, mac...  you and spermman could try the Rm 888 and each of you takes one girl. Then, you could see how he shoots 4 loads!!! Unbelievable..

Spermman: coudl you disclose your diet, your living pattern, etc? There must be something that make you so strong. .  Even when I was young, I could not get 4 loads within 2 hrs!


haha, i am back..

and visited the place again last weekend

Man Man helped me get the room and she came out and welcome me. she still looked good.   and sexy with her min-skirt on.   I went at a good time since  all 3 shifts girl were there. However, may be bcos of my bad mood, I did not have any favorites after seeing 30+ girls..  Many girls were without uniforms since Man Man said they had recruited many new bloods and uniforms were out of supply..  I saw some nice looking non-uniform girls although none of them clicked me.   After too many ronuds, I felt bad on Man Man and made a rush decision of choosing a not-so-good looking but had a lot of smiles, young east-north girl.  

She is born at 90, and smiled a lot.  We hugged for a while before starting.  Her figure was good except that she was not like other east-north girl that she was short.   Since I wanted to steam, I asked her to wait for me since most girls would not join this part. Howver, she insisted.  Good, we chit-chatted inside the sna and knew some of her backgrounds. She seemed to be new in this industry and claimed that she joined 1 month ago.     Then, we moved out after 10 min of steaming.   She started to provide me somer serices, a bit new but ok,.   Then, I asked her to exercise the 18 style BJ, she practised it quite well and tried hard to make me happy.    She maintained her sunny smiles throughout the processs.   After this prolonged bj, we knew that it iwas time to get into action.  Her reaction was good since I arleady felt her wetness when I fingered her.  She still behaved like a newbie and did not sound to be an old bird. After changing a few positons, I exploded.  A happy experience but do not expect her to be the little cat or those warrior type,she is more like the girl-next-door type..  

brother, apart from Man Man, ther eis another manager who runs after Man Man and have been quite pushy for us to introduce her to our friends. have you come across this lady  (name not be disclosed here)?

haha, I also went to TD sauna as well..  Good experince ...


--no spectacles wor..   she is very pushy. isn't she?

TD = Unlimited??

PM girl's # please.  I like the girl next door!
--ok, but pls do not reserve in advance cos' I do not know your taste.   besides, girl-next-door type is less consistent while YD type is more well-defined like pussycat type..

相關搜索目錄: 普通話


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-23 16:04 發表
The first one I would plan to try is France City, and then TDWH.  TPY may be on a lower priority!!
my friend went to tpy recently and his feedback was ..

TDMH (TDWX -mandarin) is a good choice now with its recent promotion and the bathrobe uniform...  The models are good too, not like other places.

I had a site visit to their MP room, with 4 indepedent rooms and 1 big jacuzzi.  Wa, very good, even better than France!   It is quite expensive, 988 for 2 hrs.

In fact, if you have a smaller MP, you could try the interactive room for 2 persons.  Quite intersting, a bigger room with 2 double beds, in between divided by a 4" high "ping fung"..  Obviously, if you are both "working", although you could not see each other, you could hear what the others are doing.  Good for those who are shy to look to each other.  If I hvae to choose, I still like Rm 888 at British Army, very open.. 100% interactive, not for shy boys!

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-9-23 16:16 編輯 ]


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-23 16:14 發表
What promotion?? More details please?? I still haven't received your PM! My next operation is coming soon!!
aiya, written the report and details before lor.  Anyway, pls check PM.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-23 16:28 發表
Sorry man, I did read you previous report.  I have confirmed with the manager there too, but didn't visit them at last.
Ya, hte manager told me that some guys sms her and asked about the room charge but have not yet shown up. Is it you?

Where have you been if you did not visit them?  It seems that I have not read any report of yours recently..


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-23 17:13 發表
I think she was talking about me.  Finally I went to this camp for fun.  Man man reserved a girl for me, but she still let me have a look on other girls first.  I picked one and then she called who sh ...
Man Man also said 2-3 of the MP friends went to visit her place in the last 2 weeks. YOu guys must be busy with visiting British Army!!   Have you seen her at her no-make-up look? My friend told me that she looked very ordinary without make-up, but very siok with..


----Haha, I am back again after a long trip.   Besides, I get some other link to access this website from work..  Oh, my productivity will drop again

----wa, def, i think you always go to camp bcos of her, not the sna girls!

--  as per last weekend visit, many new girls flooding in...  I am sure you will find another pussycat very soon! no worry...

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-9-24 09:20 編輯 ]


回復 303# 的帖子


That is also the reason why I left CP (and you know the 1st reason).  Hope that CA will not be exploited too much like CP.  In that case, you should try TDWX,  not necessarily warmer, but just something different.


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-24 17:17 發表
hardware quality... i will choose musiccity as the pearl bed really give me a good time... and if you have tried to fk on that bed... it is the best feel...
what do you mean by pearl bed?    is it a brand? I had been there once and could not remember the bed..   What I remembered was that there were only a few girls to choose from and the quality was just so-so..   may be i was unlucky..


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-24 18:01 發表
I think that should be marble bed with heating device underneath!
may be I went there in the summer time and it was not swithed on or otherwise, there would be 1 pair of fried eggs and 1 fried sausage!!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-24 17:17 發表
hardware quality... i will choose musiccity as the pearl bed really give me a good time... and if you have tried to fk on that bed... it is the best feel...
but in terms of room deco, France' suite room, DL TW and TDWX are all very good!!

I still remembered the big tub, the happy chair and the ceiling shower at France's suite room.  Unfortunately, the girl was scared of water (her make-up), therefore, she always tried to avoid the ceiling shower and did not dip into the water much when we were inside the big tub and tried to get out as soon as she could.   However, she was very good on the happy chair and I still remembered her love hole was fully revealed when she sat on it..  aiya, I get hard now!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-24 18:32 發表
Go and find somebody to fxxx.  I'm going to do so again very soon!!

France, Britain, Italy. I'll be back!!
where have you been as you say " you will be back"?

CA becomes an international city.  France, Britain, Italy, Australia, HKSAR (x2), TPY,  etc.   What's next?


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-25 08:56 發表

Hehe, just blowing water.  I've visited only one out of those 3 countries that I've mentioned.  Meanwhile, I enjoy a lot with English tea in view of its customer service.

BTW, what the HKSAR (x ...
1) LF: the MTR station next to Kowloon Tong
2) LH: the big shopping mall in Mongkok

I had visited 2), I was offered 2 girls in 1st round, 2 were good.  I was in a hurry and did not see others
Never managed to visit 1) as I tried, but the tel no. of manager changed and when I called to the hotel, the reception service was very poor..  I gave up..


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-9-28 23:22 發表

Hey man, what new stuff? You mean the one he mentioned during our return trip? May be I'll go tomorrow lei!!
New stuff?  Good, I am thinking of going this week.  What is it?


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-9-28 02:24 發表

The hardware in TDWX is much better than as in Britsih. But the rm charge is $198 (pre-book $180) and seems on the high side.
The captain says that if 2 persons come this time, you will get one f ...
yap, the promo. is still on and I had used my coupon already. Same as Gondola, you could leave the voucher with the captain as long as you have a tel no. to "register" your voucher.

H/w is definitely better, more classy. They do not have the "water bed' though.  

The veg. spa is on the right.  I tried it and it is similar to those in SZ.   Many locals there...

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-10-2 08:49 發表

That is why I prefer MP game though I have to pay rmb100 more.............
For MP game, if you just draw water and do not do it with another girl, you could save the 100 as well.  That's what we usually did, including our last time with 4 of us inside Room 888 at British Army!!  5.1 stereo sound and 3 other battles around you should be erotic enough..  no need to really make it with another girl...


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