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[原創] 常平有錢佬之搞機夜及後之補飛

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-16 19:58 發表

才是8點,大把機會重新坐台,如果你不收$50,我一定給足你$200小費!一個囡囡說ok, 便給了她$50,她就走了!另一個本來說ok的,但出房門問她的媽咪,就說不可以!我就說:”ok!” 你站在房的角落,不能坐沙發,我再拿半打啤酒給她,叫她每十分鐘喝完一支,喝完後,我再拿給她!她立刻就走出房了!出去後,我就跟經理說:我要投訴她!她自己不坐我的台!$50也沒有拿!

7-siu, I should salute to you as you have done the 200% correct thing in teaching the nui nuis and the mami!  They are suckers as they only know how to fool people.   Apparently, the mami wanted to take advantage of selling out their girls by not coming back in 30 min. time (I assumed someone has called up the mami) and the girls attitude are also important as I could read that 7-siu has offered an escape route to the girls and he must be super patient in explaining (I have seen him talking to girls, so gentleman).  If the girls chose not to take the easy route, be it and let them bear the consequence.

Of course, not everyone has the gut to do this and that's why I admired 7-siu.  I also did similar thing in sna, refusing to pay the trainee since she had been under-performing in the 1st 60 min. as an observer. I was a bit scared when I walked out of the sna but felt good of myself since I had done something right.  

7-siu, my friend V (you met him before) also did simialr thing at K. in CP as 1 girl made up some excuses to leave early (930pm) and still asking for the sit table fee. He said to the girl "you could leave now but would not get a penny or you stay and treated me well and she woudl get her payroll when I decide to release you..  The girl ran off and did not return!      Luckily, my friend V got 2 girls that night and she was very obedient..

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-2-17 10:33 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 啤酒


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-2-18 09:11 發表

不過見過你的老四后, 我喚起斗志, 一定要追個好似四嫂的kimchi
有錢佬 is the secret code for that K. in CP.


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-2-18 11:48 發表

一早番齊哪! ,原本今晚幫我的SP (168m, 22歲, 四川妹, 皮膚滑) 慶生日, 為了KIMCHI, 把她放生了, 現在后悔了......
is she the younger sister of "someone"?  I still have not met her..   

Are you still talking to "someone"?..  She is not very happy recently.


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-2-18 15:56 發表

simon gor,
I am not in the queue as I have not seen the girl, but Jack and other friends told me that she is beautiful!!


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-19 21:55 發表
Yes, the elder sister of Jack's SP. We saw her last night, good. But I think the younger sister, i.e., Jack's SP is prettier.
Opps, 家姐。。    I still have not seen 妹妹...  I thought it was the bday for 妹妹, who is (one of the) SP of Jack, the kimchi eater..  


原帖由 KMY89 於 2009-2-20 09:51 發表
在珠海,少了一份 commercial, 多了一份 relax,
無乜service, 卻很有女朋友 feel.
珠海 is considered to be a good place for 拍拍拖。。 谈谈情。。  less commercial but more expensive..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-20 11:59 發表
Holding LB hand in hand, walking on the lovers' trail and having sweet talks, is considered "relaxing and sweet" !
7-siu, you must have done this a lot with #2,#3,#4!  or other LBs..


原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2009-2-20 19:34 發表

家姐真系冇得比, 細妹就好得多
so, his younger sister has more followers , including our Jack,...


原帖由 drm 於 2009-2-23 08:38 發表



不過咸D細膽,有時都有d 驚,會唔會去到K房,會見到個世侄,或者隔離黃太個仔
I am more concerned being seen holding a girl in my arms.. if I see someone inside K, then it means that we have the same "hobby". May be next time,I could invite them to go together..  


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-2-23 15:16 發表

她生日只想我和她慶祝, 我前二天還說不去, 她哭了, 那晚去了, 她笑了, 笑的很甜!
和她大搞了一晚, 熱情又主動, 像個天真小女孩, 有點肥, 反應好勁!
抱著我不放, 好像真有點喜歡我了! 想我收留她, 想見下我的 ...
Is she your LB1 (Kimchi=lb2)?  Or there is stil someone behind hte scene be the LB1?  

Jack gor, you are so attractive to the girls..  Sooner or later, you need to learn more from 7-siu..!  3p and 4p with LBs are waiting for you to explore!


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-2-23 16:44 發表

She just a SP, I like my LB and kimchi more......
Oh, jack gor. you sitill have a LB behinid the scene. I forget about your story of bringing kimchi to see LB at the airport!!


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-2-23 17:20 發表

Bro Jack, you'd try the guest room at Royal Eastern Hotel and 238 only !!
Hmm, but I find that hotel quite ok wor. May be Jack gor is so fierce in his action and need a harder mattress!  


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-23 18:01 發表
They only hurt you, but not my other friends. Ha Ha. I had a good choice last Saturday. Another 河南鄭州妹。 Very positive and proactive, except no blow job.
is the hotel and K in fumen?  

Oh  7-siu, you are so fond of 河南鄭州妹, i am connecting one now as well but she offers excellent bj!  The problem with her is that she is not the beautiful and good figures type.  Anyway, an excellent SP!  I broke my own record with her.. coudl not believe what I could achieve.  


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-23 18:39 發表
yes, the K is in the same hotel in Humen. Which is the hotel that Dr. Tea swear not to go there again, i.e., where he find his ex-LB, Ms. LL.who hurted him so much.

I saw many tall and pretty girls ...
7-siu, you are bad, luring me to visit (potential) one more place. What shoudl we do? Gold Sxxxxx, DL DH or Humen?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-2-25 15:20 發表
Humen is no la, as I just been there last Saturday. I would prefer somewhere else.
I know. Just kidding.  I know your preference. If my friend and I join, i will follow your priority.

To compare, the girls in Humen compared to DH/DL , which is better? same pricing structure?


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-2-25 18:57 發表

我鐘意HM..果D..parttime 妹妹....
wa,  saliva dropping.  I like part-timer. I will be a shy boy in front of her/them..  


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-2-25 19:24 發表

part-time v part-time..   no one wins or both win!!


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-2-26 11:32 發表

They'll hurt you much and you've to pay for it !!
Sorry, tea tea. apparently, the place we visited last night, KH, was not good enough to bring you to surface. I tried recommending a few MMs that looked cutie and young but all of them were being rejected. I was a bad GT..  

7-siu seemed to enjoy a lot on his pick.  Any urge to follow-up as LB#5 or at least a SP?  hehe

For me, I had a wonderful time with my old veg. However, I spent 3 hours fighting with the safe deposit box, as it malfunctiooned this morning.  Many hotel staff came along trtying to open it without success, finally, came the mechanic and used the most traditional method to "open" it..  So bad luck..


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-2-27 16:24 發表

Bro Denny, it doesn't matter at all !!  I'm not in mood at all and always thinking of somebody.  Around 21:00, the mami told me that there're one MM being signed application and I wish she's LL ?! ...
wa, signed application..?? new girl.. did you check out if she is good or not?  

Oh, you are trying to find the exact LL..!  It is so difficult.. !!  May be I should dim the night next time so that you could barely see the girls clearly.   


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-2-27 16:32 發表

I don't think she could be LB#5 of 7-siu.  Could be a SP if she well performed this morning lor !!
accordingly to sms this morning, she did!!  


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-2 01:59 發表
Last Thursday, ie, 4 days ago, Dr. Tea, Denny2000, and me went to 東方錦河 in CA.
Friday, Par3 and me, Golden Supreme, Girls very good, so we go again tonight, with 大海,Denny2000,Dr. Tea, and Par3. ...
Thu at KH....  7-siu got his loved one in KH within 0.03 second...  She lumped 7-siu a lot as well...   I saw her holding him tightly, like a baby.

Tea Tea could not locate a loved one that night, and had to wait for us until 7-siu and I finished singing many songs, no BJ (billy joel), but 1st time singing my first english song (primary school, "you are my everything"...  

I brought my old love to the place. She said the place was pretty quiet..   She is used to the environment of someplace else.   I had a nice time with her before and after the K, and the safe deposit box incidence had helped us to build the chemistry one more time in hte morning...!!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-2 13:40 發表

Thu at KH....  7-siu got his loved one in KH within 0.03 second...  She lumped 7-siu a lot as well...   I saw her holding him tightly, like a baby.

Tea Tea could not locate a loved one that nig ...
Sun night at GS: 7-siu, I could not recall who is who but your 2 girls looked very good. I liked the one on your left, she looked like mix..  However, I saw you da-cannon more with the one on the right, possibly that was the one you loved more..   I could hardly see her face sinec you always da-cannon with her...

Sorry that I needed some break to kill my fire with my snake waist girl. When I came back, you and Haidada had left.  Apology.     I had been pretty quick in completing my job... haha   She was super horny as I could feel her water pumping out, making the noise of water...  but...   I had to release her...  

You did not know that my another girl ,the cutie one, let me eat lemon.. haha.  She said that she worked as sit table only.   haha, helped save some $$ and let me have more hours of sleep last night...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-2 13:46 發表
o! I see, you need some violance! A hammer and a nail.
Ya, more than that. the hotel staff spent 3 hours opening the safe, and finally ended up opening it with hammer, screwdriver, metal bars, etc..   

In between those visits by them, I completed my morning exercise with my girl..   Very funny...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-2 16:06 發表
While they were working on the safe, you work on your girl ??!!
not at the same time since the safe and the bed are in the same room!! I do not want to do it live in front of someone I do not know..HOwever, it is quite funny in a way that while I am working on my stuff, the hotel staff knocked on the door and said, they wanted to try out (another method of opening hte safe) , I asked them "wait until I said yes, since I am opening another safe right here"....

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-3-2 16:10 編輯 ]


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-6 01:29 發表
Jack is not coming.
Brothers joining Saturday's party: Dr. Tea, Hoidada, Simonkok, A.A. , Stephen, KenKen, Kelvin, Old Chan, 7-siu.   Other who might come : HKGer.
wa, what a party.  May I join?  and leave the same day?


 30 12


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