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炒菜日記 - 好人壞人?

原帖由 遲來的春天 於 2009-7-14 12:01 發表
Moontern Ching : 我們也經常有此不愉快經驗,總之"你對人好,人不一定對你好,過得了自已良心就好了!
I think this girl is the young girl type..  In fact, this is still better than those who watches TV all night (even tuning down the volume,the light is still irratating). Around 7-8am, they will try leaving and you either ask them to stay for a few more hours, which usually will be rejected, or start the morning Q right away when yourself is half-sleep and her is not in the mood.

Although you could have releaesd the girl when she asks for leave for Sunday, I guessed that if you insisted her staying, she will do the above to you.


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原帖由 BB鬥士 於 2009-7-14 17:52 發表

絕對同意, 太多職業牧羊狼狗. h:" />
but if there are not so many prof. wolf dogs, there will not be so many girls (in particularly those young ones) who are willing to work in this industry.  
原帖由 BB鬥士 於 2009-7-14 18:07 發表

舉個例我對上一次在CP絆倒食了件剛下海妹妹仔, 隻狼狗7點就打電話叫佢走, 妹妹仔話7點前走係呢行既規舉來的. 唔可以留太晏走.

其實沒有狼狗教有媽咪教, 而且新姊妹好傾都會教佢古惑野. 工廠妹對住呢D人點 ...
customers have to be tough on these girls..  At least, ask her to deliver the morning Q..  

so, it is better for us to ask in advance, inside the K room, if she will stay until noon and if not, you will not give the ON fee. If she says yes, and breaks the promise, then just give her the 1Q fee.  Of course, you take the risk of her summoning someone (wolfdog) to come to teach you a lesson...


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原帖由 KMY89 於 2009-7-15 08:06 發表
上次果個 ... 你就好 ...

陪我坐果件排骨,食在我半包煙,坐係度又痞又戙,真可遇不可求 ...   
at least not a pork chop ...   it is a slim 排骨 wor..

Luck is still the most important factor and even old birds could not distinguish whether she is a good girl or not in that 30 sec to 1 min selection process.


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
原帖由 BB鬥士 於 2009-7-15 11:12 發表

I agree this is the most economical way of playing but I do not enjoy it as sna girls would have served 4-5 customers that day when you visit them at midnight.THey must be very tired already. I tried twice and got the feeling above.. May be I am unlucky.


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