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[原創] “精” 盟會 – 獨戰英商 @ City A !!!!!!

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-10-2 09:25 發表

睇住人地做真係幾high架. 又可以攪下另外D囡. 不過要d囡囡夠放先好玩.
those ladies we selected at Army were all very "liberal".  Some of them even drew us water.. Of course, we had been reasonable in drawing water, just to "make the atmosphere" more friendly (our excuses).  I even became role model when I ML with my girl inside the shower room, the others came and watched us!!

Remember though if you go for MP, the group should select the same category of girls.  

Besides, the boys have to be "liberal" as well. If some of you are shy, it will be no fun. Our group are good friends and we do not mind seeing each other "little brothers".  One thing we have not tried yet are to 2M1F..


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-10-2 10:04 發表

有機會要同Denny兄知來個MP呀, 我都好鍾意架. 又唔知羞. 我其實好想試下圍個圈咁ML架. Doggie 式咁一齊插.....諗起都淫蕩呀..
We did not try this last time. However, we had 4 men in a row, while girls kneeling down to do bj for us inside the big shower room! That scene was YJ enough to be in my memory for my whole life!!

In fact, I had tried a small group doggie (2 pairs) inside a pool.  We took the 2 sides of the pool, the girls in doggie positions and of course, my friend and I went in from behind respectively.  Since we were inside the pool with water, our vigorous action caused the water rolling.   The sound of the banging, the noise of the water rolling, and of course the screaming/moarning sound of the 2 girls made us very high!!

老主任原來同文文同姓. 佢地原來係表姊妹來的 天呀. 差咁遠既....
How about the older manger with surname Gu?  Have anyone met her?


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-10-2 10:07 發表

咁嘅形式做 doggie penetration, 又点可以冇 froggie 份呀? 預埋我, OK?
doggie wor, not froggie wor...   

However, I remember that frogs, while ML, also practise doggie position (most animals  do).  haha.  I think it is only human beings that have a different missionary position of having the female spreading the legs for male to enter.  What other animals have this posture?


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-10-2 11:01 發表

I love the idea of ml inside a pool (or a jacuzzi) with water splashing everywhere while banging! So erotic!
It was erotic but sometimes problematic. Last time, I almost swallowed some splasing water!  Not sure it was water or something else..  Therefore, be careful when you had your watersports next time..


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-10-2 11:30 發表

文文當日急於叫我幫忙, 在冇意中聽到她說的. 跟住我即刻問呀老主任, 佢都直認係.  乜野係死狗式? 瞓低左就做唔到doggie lu wow. 真係要見識見識. 死蛙式細佬就有幸親眼目到.
Mac, 死狗式 is what Retrav described.  "dead doggie style... which mean lie on the bed and fk as doggie style".

It is a good posture since when the girl lies on the bed with her back facing you, her love hole becomes less open since her legs does not spread wide.  The tightness level increases..  It is like Mat Mat front entry style with girl's legs remain tight.  the tightness improves!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-10-2 12:23 發表

轉極咪都係由生狗式(|-)轉到變成直立死狗式(||),或半直立死狗式(|/)!生狗式(|-)都打到cannon,除非好似denny話斎,一係你條嘢,一係就佢條嘢,好似鬼嗰嘢咁x長 ...
I am thinking of some ghost story when someone mentioned about da-cannon while doing live doggie (| ~).  I have just watched the movie "画皮“。 i am thinking of the girl being 周迅


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-10-2 15:44 發表
if I got to fk 周迅... no matter she is a real ghost or a MM... I still want to take the risk and fk... haha

And... how come a phrase "dead doggie style" raise out so many discussion.... yes.. it i ...
you should not watch this movie then since next time when you fantansize fk 周迅, you will think of her "ghost" look..


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-10-2 15:56 發表

上次係GDI跟DD做過: 生狗式(|-)& 死狗式(==)
若將 死狗式(==)改變一下你坐上去做(=L=) ,果種感覺真喺好窄!
forget about YY and DD who is who.  Is DD the one with less screaming/more conservative?  

坐上去做(=L=) : Is it dangerous?  I have never thought of this posture and it is not even on the 18 styles


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-10-3 09:03 發表

Well, from the other perspective, if we pay to have fun for ourselves and treat the relationships with those girls who serve us as seller Vs customer, then what's the point for us to find the "dea ...
not necessarily.   It is a buyer-customer relationship but if you think her as a sex buddy, then discovering her "Dead point:" would make her high (feel different), then she could give you something different or react stronger or give you more gf feel.   Of course, it is not guarantee.  


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-10-3 10:06 發表

DD is the one with less screaming/more conservative.  
But her skin is much inferior than another new pussy cat I tried early last month.
This pussy cat is much wilder than the one in British Ar ...
in fact, both my friend and I liked DD more..  When she played around her big boobs with soap when riding me on the waterbed , with her sleezy eyes, she was so sexy.  

wa, good job. you tried GDI again...  it seems that you have not reported..   

how is the look and figure of your new-found pussycat in GDI compared to DD?

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-10-3 11:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-10-8 17:18 發表
that's why you got to join all the trip when we are calling... my action several xx hours later and spider's action several days later... and may be def's action several week later... or even my ON ac ...
hope you could sleep well tonight and not getting too nervous  

Then, you could try doing what our Jes-master doing, 4 times within 2 hrs.. hehe


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