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原帖由 CPKTVman 於 2007-7-5 16:33 發表

Even  ...
But I heard that this is not good for health. If she goes for abortion, it is more damaging to her health.. Many girls in China still want to get married and have child (stronger desire than HK girls) and the more abortion they do, the lesser chance they could have a normal pregnancy.  

Therefore, I think that if a girl decides to have sex with you without condom/contraceptive method, she has trust on you (since she never knows if  you carry any disease) or she wants to get pregnant!  

Anyway, every girl/case will be different and I agree that they are not as safe conscious as HK girls.


原帖由 CPKTVman 於 2007-7-5 16:33 發表

Even  ...
But I heard that this is not good for health. If she goes for abortion, it is more damaging to her health.. Many girls in China still want to get married and have child (stronger desire than HK girls) and the more abortion they do, the lesser chance they could have a normal pregnancy.  

Therefore, I think that if a girl decides to have sex with you without condom/contraceptive method, she has trust on you (since she never knows if  you carry any disease) or she wants to get pregnant!  

Anyway, every girl/case will be different and I agree that they are not as safe conscious as HK girls.




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