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CA 天地 M H 会所

CA 天地 M H 会所

With some extensive research, I finally located a new (to me) place that not much mentioned before.  There is a famous K. with the same name next to this sauna+spa.   The K. has been there for > 3 years and sauna is open early last year.

The whole building is luxurious and it is a spa.  The sauna is a part of this complex while the rest is the SZ-type spa.   I was brought to the room and it is great deco.  Spacious, nice shower, meat table, sauna/steam, and a big bed.   Mami came and introduced the room for 238.  However, no facilities (no red rope, health ball, etc).   

Girls: it was on 4/5/6, and again, there were russian, columbia and kim-chi in the old days but they all left b4 CNY.  At peak season, there were 300+ girls (I doubted it).   Today, there were <20 girls.   she brought in 4 models, basically tall, but nothing special, not pork chop though.  Another round of 6, and I took note of 1.  Here came another round of 4 and 5, 5 being the siao mei mei type. 2 of them were eatable.  All together, I saw about 16 girls, the quality was so-so but not much pork-chop.  Again, it was CNY so hard to compare.  I finally chose a model at 600, tall (1.65m) , from Yunnan, white and smooth skin, and skinny (80 pounds) but still with a B boobs, aged 20.

service: it was 110 min after door closed.  I did not need to repeat the DG ISO9001 service but I coudl tell she would possibly fail the quality audit (even no bj durng shower time). However, I was more on her face, figure (tall and slim), and the feel.  Therefore, I did not care. Besides, her bj skill was great, gentle, skillful but with power.  she looked like a 2-tier/3rd tier movie star.  She was a good listener and talker and I enjoyed talking to her..  We focussed on the ML session and she was obedient to my request, the last position was having her standing against the wash basin, I went in doggie. I quickly exploded.  With 30 min left, I was prepared to relax until the phone rang.  We talked, I ate my fried rice, and slowly, we moved on to bed and I hugged her like my gf.  Then, strange thing happened as I was hard on again.  She asked: "did I want a 2nd one?"  How could I say no?   I was still worried since I was running out of time and I had poor performance recently.  Luckily, I got my job done with a smile on my face.  The bell rang 5 sec after the explosion, liked an examiner said, "times up, pen down".  

Mami told me that they would re-strategize the nui system, having 10-20 girls as models only. The rest would be 4/5. I think it is a  good move...

This sauna is definitely not the service-oriented type..  No rope, no health ball, no chair, etc.  The girl even did not bother to offer BM on the meat table, claiming that it was too cold for us (which coudl be true).  If you look for luxurious feel, beautiful/model type girls (but more expensive at 600), then this may be your choice.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-2-6 16:45 發表
A newbie to CA, does this SN close to the bus terminal or need to take another ride from terminal to reach?
another ride.. about 5 min.


原帖由 dw78 於 2008-2-7 00:13 發表

I heard that the big ban early this year was caused by this SN offering foreign MM.  It is nice to hear that they are back in business.
I have never been to this place and would like to try it a ...
I am a newbie in CA but recalled the ban was in last May.  However, I vaguely remembered that it was one K. that offered hot lap dance and being filmed by the TVs.  CA bro, any clarification?

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 牛仔 於 2008-2-25 14:07 發表
Dear Denny2000 cHing;
can you give some synonym on the name of the K complex; please
I could not decrypt the key word MH
MH = no limit


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-2-28 23:00 發表

Yes, $50 each.
and I hate the new location of the 7-van, have to go up and down the bridge and there are so many tourists (other tour groups) near the van stop.  I now take the bus instead


原帖由 stephenp 於 2008-3-1 23:57 發表
I am working in CA for a long time and always go their for relax. I am alway go to the 2nd floor for foot SPA and alway saw a lot of girl waiting for service. They look so good and young. But the c ...
Yes, the hardware is very nice and the manager also told me that it provides normal spa service at a price similar to SZ (I forgot the exact price).  Pls advise the charge...   Sometiimes, I find it funny since you may go for the normal sauna/massage with the girls but next door, they provide the full SNA service!  

For bus charge, it is 60...

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-3-3 11:00 發表

RMB 60 for the bus?? more expensive than the 7-seater van?
Quite true the 7-seater, now 10-seater bus, not very punctual, especially when coming back from CA. they usually just send a pick u ...
Brother, yes, it is RMB60 for the bus and more expensive than van.  However, I still use it since the stop is closer and it is quite comfortable compared to the van.

Regarding puntuality, I am really pissed off with van now getting customers to the airport/other nearby area before heading to CA, which make the trip longer.  However, I have to use it on my return trip since its service period is longer since I ususally return after dinner and there is no bus service.  Or else, I sometimes share a private car with my friend, where total cost is 180-200.  

Ya, you have to wait at JYF but I find the waiting time quite OK, usually 10-15 min.  Another way of doing that is to get the exact timetable from JYF, not the hotel schedule (like the one at YD) since they build a buffer between the two schedules, making you to wait for a long time at JYF.

I think at the end of the day, CP is still better in terms of traffic. There are trains & buses...


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-3-3 18:09 發表

女女由其他場如金xx、太xx 轉去
但好唔穩定, 有時正到飛起, 有時豬到
Do you know why it is the case?  When I go to TPY or HS, the girl's standard is quite stable..

Charge: Room is 198-238
Girls: 4/5/6  but heard that the pricing may be updated after CNY.  

It is a very grand place and you have to be specific to go to the sauna with girls since this place also offers normal spa+massage service (like those in SZ).

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 jamesz 於 2008-3-6 01:53 發表
bro danny any more chiong trip recently?
Not much bcos. of post CNY..  about time to go..  

You must be from Singapore/Malaysia.. Right?




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