原帖由 par3 於 2008-3-6 14:55 發表
if u take the ferry, i just feel that it is even easier than going to CA, and probably arrive there much faster, 70 mins is all it takes.
In fact, it depends on which part of HK you stay in.
The 70 min is the ferry trip from TST (China harbor city) or Sheun Wan and so, if you are staying close to these 2 places, then it is not bad to go to Zuhai. Otherwise, you have to add up the timing to go to TST or SW.
For CA via HG, the HG-CA trip will take 35 min to 50 min (depending on the shitty van which could de-tour to airport or somewhere else). We have to add the timing to travel to HG and it depends where you are but easily, we have to add at least 45 min. Then, the total trip is about 80 min to 95 min.
For the Zuhai pier or CA JYF to your destination, it is roughly the same since the taxi ride or the connecting ride could be from 5 min to 15 min..
There are other factors to consider
1) $$ since the return ferry tickets would exceed $320 while for CA, it is about $180 (e.g. from MKK to HG and to CA both ways).
2) availabilty: there are only 1 ferry/1-1.5 hr. If I miss one, it will be problematic. Howver, if you have well=planned itinerary, it is not a problem.
3) It is more comfortable to go to ZH since it is only 1 trip from TST/SW to ZH pier, no need to change bus.
So, brothers, different conditions/preferences would lead you to different places.