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[原創] 井底蛙遊踪之六 ---- CP 絆倒 SN

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-25 09:55 發表
井底蛙遊踪之六 ---- CP 絆倒 SN
但 trainee 方面, 則村姑味道甚濃, 很年青, 但感覺上和 %% 混合不了! 最終放棄了 1 + 1 計劃,
icheng brother, good report... and you are good in respecting the manager since she comes earlier for you and you have 100% trust on her.. You must be holding your breath when you saw the girl....  lucky it is YCOT.  

For trainee, I think you made a good decision. I had some bad experiences of 1+1 in CA YD hotel (report submitted long time ago).  If you do not have good feel, do not take the risk. You might have ruined your 38F as well if you took a bad trainee!  


原帖由 anakin 於 2008-3-26 04:19 發表

3)至於囡囡質素,信你既 ...
In fact, all saunas are similar, in particular those in CP.  If I do not get the manager's no, i just make a cold call to the hotel, get the line transferred to the sauna, talk to whoever on the phone, and ask for booking/discount (RMB20 approx). You go up and say you have a booking...  Or else, as Anakin brother says, just go up and negotiate with the manager there. In many cases, you could get a discount.  

For girls, I like to get fresh pick and not reserve girls.  I enjoy the selection process.  May be it is man's desire to watch girls, fantacise, inspect the body parts, and pick one (or two).  

In CP, there are saunas in most established hotels. After brothers have explored GY, HM, WM, KL, Penin, try out those at hotels like WTai, Red C, Miraton, HHua... My info. is not very updated since I quit the CP sauna scene 2 years ago...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-9 15:48 發表

you coudl also consider this.  Just 15 min away from CP, your home base. ... hlight=%2Bdenny2000




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