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深圳生活水平咁高, 要養條女到底要幾多錢呢?

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-8 11:47 發表

我以前沉船時一個月要 20﹐000 的。。
... Some brothers would scream you are foolish since they would say 20,000/1,500 (800 for ON + misc fee) would equal to 13.3 ON per month!  However, if you are willing to pay fixed fee to sink ship, then you are not getting a straight fxxx only.. The additional $ (the premium) is paid to get the love feel, which is priceless to you but worthless to someone.

Besides, also look at the opportunity cost from the girl's point of view, she sacrifices the forest and burns her youth, beauty, health on you..  If she is young and beautful and has been a working girl, she could easily earn >10,000 by sitting tables+go out occasionally (let say once a week).  Of course, if she is an OL, then it is a different story but you have to show her the future that you may get married with her one day..

For those brothers who pay a few thousands and get 100% ownership (not time sharing), I admire you.. You must be something...

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