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"精" 盟會 – 蜘蛛俠 City P - 受傷入院接受急救 !

Jet Jet,

I am getting a bit worried that I will give up writing any report since yours is so exciting and erotic.   Your energy level is super, always 3 times in a row.   If you are the King in the old days,I am sure your empire will fall down very soon since you will be busy with your 3,000 girls in your backyard only..

I feel hesistant in writing anything about the 2F1M Japanese 4 jai experience in GDI since it will be a boring report compared to yours!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-3 23:41 發表
Hey denny,

2F1M Japanese 4 jai is already a fantastic experience for  sharing.  Come on, 5d5d5d!!
1st part report submitted via another thread..


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-11 16:47 發表
女女 都可以雙飛啦, 咁你地去到玩男子雙飛咪得 law.  四男兩女.
wa, good wor. may be the 2 little pandas love it!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 20:55 發表
四男兩女...有兩個要等 ??
哈哈哈 !!
no need to wait.  1 girl to work on 2 boys...   I prefer 2 girls work for 1 boy and have my friend to join. i.e. 4 girls 2 boys..  The room in GDI could make it , the problem is that you may find it difficult to avoid pork chops...  


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 09:32 發表

Brother denny, you're really too modest in this aspect.  I would say it is impossible to avoid chops
To be fair to GDI, w have not explored the night shift yet.   

May be there are no pork chops, but monsters.  

In fact, I have never made it with pork chops like the 4 girls I saw there (medium sized, 120-130 China kg, meaty). Will it be enjoyable?  May be I will give it a try once I have tasted too many slim and young ones. haha




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