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回復 1# 的帖子

Dai Hoi gor,

Good that  you got a PINK波。。少毛。。一线..  I am looking for this spec. for a while without success.  haha

影城SHOWROOM: so many pork chop? might be my last girl was a pork chop in your eyes. haha..

Oh. If I followed you back to 无限. I may have a reunion with my girl there who could use her tongue like magic.  She had just been back from home and asked me to go there. Unfortunately, the sms came in just after V兄 and I had an semi-interactive 2x2 (but no real exchange) at their suite (2 rooms + 1 living room).  Both of us were happy, V was happier!  However, I fulfilled my dream of MLing in the staircase!  It was easier and more erotic than I thought.


原帖由 Butt 於 2009-1-19 15:41 發表
one of the 2 posts I tried. The other post I tried was the girl putting her hands on the railings and standing. i.e this direction was 90 degree rotated from the 1st post.   Of course, both postures were in doggies..

My partner was a small built 1.5 thin girl. Therefore, 上樓梯is not difficult.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-1-19 15:46 發表
it is a long stair case and there are about 20 steps. We did not make the ful use of it, just about 10 steps and the platform in between sessions.


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-19 16:17 發表

Learnt from MM that there are about 300+ MMs in the club during normal time..and of course about half of them already home...still 100+ here ....and the quality of MMs here is the best in CA..so s ...
They had got some good MMs and after the renovation (adding 40 rooms after pulling down the spa), they should be keener to bring in better MMs to return their investment.  The room charge is a big minus for those who go there along though.

I could PM you the no. of super-tongue work.  I may be cum brother of double-fly man.

In fact, I went to this place last year at Lin 29..  Not many girls to choose, I thought 20+. and I got a good yunan girl!

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-1-19 16:22 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA Investment


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-19 16:27 發表

The MM told me that a lot of MMs will stay over the holiday..
I will probbably go often to the place...I will stay at CA during the holiday..
Envy you..  have to be captured in the zoo with tiger during CNY.


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-19 17:30 發表

我念系啦。。双飞又话得。。我个差D比拒吹爆。。你又话得。。吾通请了高人去培训D MM??
I thought brother V..told me that (one of the girls in TD SN that we both tried) told her that part of the training on bj is to bj a banana for 15 min without leaving any tooth mark..  I know it is not the 1st time many brothers heard about this type of training but if it is true, I think it  could be the reason.  

May be I would add one more requirement., after bj the banana for 15 min, no tooth mark and also the banana must be smaller evenly by 20%. That could be a test on the suction power..   !  


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-19 18:00 發表

The MM swings her head in rhythm with the mouth...and will look at you with a 淫.eye...must have been trained...
ya, it is like a SOP for TD.  For Gondola, the girls (at least the one I tried 2 weeks ago), rotated her head (and thus the bj) clockwise, for 30 degree, then anti-clockwise by 30 degree.  It was a bit mechancial but the girl that did me had a super suction power.  The missing part which was a big minus was "no eyesight".   I liked the girl looking at me with her YD eyesight when bjing me!   What a scene to remember!!!


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2009-1-19 18:19 發表
田地无限 resumed?  I thought they are closed. Please update CHing
resumed long time ago...  


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2009-1-20 09:50 發表
Thanks C Hing. Resume for both SN and SPA?

I miss its SPA a lot since I can't find any replacement.
the spa was closed and renovated to become sna, in other words, there are more rooms for sna (I remember that there are 40 more rooms).

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 sammmhkk 於 2009-1-20 17:03 發表
thx. But so does this mean no more SPA?

Shit but understandable. I believe SPA make lesser $$ than SN.
no more spa. as far as I know of.  I think no more spa like that one in CA anymore.  Hope I am wrong.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


My friends and I sneaked to田地 with Haidada yesterday..

Surprisingly, the quality is quite good wor.          My friend and I tried the 2-bed room with interactive option taken..       feeling so tired now...

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-1-22 09:06 編輯 ]


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-1-22 10:34 發表
I want to see your interactive report before I go to ZhuMadian.
Oops. better rush now for a short report.

The selection was not bad, we shortlisted 4 girls. since it will be an interactive session, my friennd (V) and I had to approve both..  Finalyl, we chose 1 from Hunan adn 1 from Sichuan.   Both of them are not the youngest type (>20), cheerful, big mimis, and short..  They gladly held our hands to this interactive room.

It is a big room with 2 beds, in between a TV and a cabinet blocking some views, some privacy (not much and not needed).  Wall mirror could help seeing what the other is dong.  There is a S- chair and also 2 types of shower, 1 the meat table and 1 the car wash..   THre is of course jacuzzi..  

2x2 took shower together.  A good scene since apart from seeing my own girl, I could see the other girl doing her job inches away.  We finihsed the stuff and went back to the beds respectively.  For the 1st round, we wanted more 1 on 1 and therefore, apart from chit-chatting together for a while , the rest of hte action was finished on our own. Of ocursre, the sound was clearly heard, the vision could be seen via the mirror , alhtough it was not very cleawr becos of the mist/fog on the mirror.  Mine is a bit chubby from Sichuan but her reaction was instant, water dam broke down within 1 min. of touching.   Howver, her screaming was a bit too pro, mark deducted.  In fact, V and his girl came to try out the S-chair, which was just next to our bed. I was busy now, while concentrating on my girl, but also watched them and learnt from them so that I could do a good job afterwards.

We finished the 1st round almost at the same time since I heard their screaming clearly.  We made the use of the half time session to build some chemsitry and chit-chatted between the 4 of us.  Of cousre, touchign and grasping were unavoidable.  Slowly, we switched our partner already.  Both girls were smart and they started to work on a different opponent.  

This time, my opponent was the Hunan. She is slimmer but got a pair of good size boobs, so hard that I once thought it was fake.  When you double-checekd them, they were real.  !!  She also reacted strongly and I wodnered if she had put on some Ky . Checked and there was no sign of KY... These girls are natural MLers.  

This time, since it was the 2nd round, both of us spent more time in completing our task. I also had a chance to try out the s-chair and also some doggie in front of the mirror.  very erotic, except that the room started to get a bit cold (no air-con).

Overall a very happy experience and these girls were very interactive and had not shown signs of resistance/shynesss of switching/swapping.

We left and gathered with another friend of us and Hai gor..  Hai gor came 20 min later but he told me he was a golden gun again.   Amazing..


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-1-22 20:40 發表

Bro Haidada, well done and you're definitely the Golden Gunner for 2.5Q within 90 minutes !!
ya, I also joked to Haidada when we met..  I know the secret behind.  Simple but hard to do..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-23 11:43 發表

this place got raided 2 times in the last 2 years for different reasons. The recent ones, 10 pairs (?) were taken, the male had to give 20k for freedom. No one was retained.    the place had to be closed for 1 week and some girls left..

hai gor,
in fact, it is 三送一 (3 customers 1 customer room fee waived). I bargained with the manager and said this and that and got another free room for us.. So, 4 customers 2 free.  

They are pretty straight on room fee, still charging 188..  1 free room voucher for next purchase if you have 2 customers going together.  so, it is stlll not the place for those price-conscious customers or customers gonig in a small group.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2009-1-23 11:58 發表


How I wish I could have the interactive event together with you shortly..........!
ya, and this place is a good one since there is a cabinet in between, still providing some kind of privacy in case you are shy..  


回復 76# 的帖子

我以前都只係去過金沙, 長安各際, 蓮花, e東, 美泥灣呢幾間

havnt seen any reports from you on these places wor.  How are they rated in terms of s/w and h/w?  

you had visited 5, still at least 10 more good ones to explore.


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-23 12:36 發表
in fact, it is 三送一 (3 customers 1 customer room fee waived). I bargained with the manager and said this and that and got another free room for us.. So, 4 customers 2 free.  

应该是三 ...
i need to change to your manager in my next booking if I go in a group of 4

heard that the men had to pay on thier own and since most customers going to TD are richer guys (and suprisingly, heard that most of them are locals by coincidence), they settle their bills. Nui Nui $ were settled by td but I am not too sure how the final bill is being calculated (e.g. nui nui works there for fre for a period of time?).

heard that it is the case but I guess it will be smaller since some of the spaces had been converted to sna rooms. I hope they will renovate the place sinec it was a bit worn out when I visited them just before they were closed.

In China, anything coudl happen. According to some other brothers, there was a long story behind which involved too many detailes to be disclosed here. Besides, it is a story only and not suree about the accuracy.  

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-1-23 13:52 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 水療


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-1-23 14:43 發表

Heard that the Ks used to pay for the customs' fine..is that true..?
I do not know much about this. May be manager Tao (you know who I am referring to) would know more.


原帖由 男人愛高達 於 2009-1-23 14:15 發表

以前我冇係度出report(係第2個網出過貼). 所以你咪見唔到羅. 呵呵, 不過以後d report我都只係會係度出

要比較? 簡單d啦
good summary..   

"基本上CA D SN 都优惠房费既啦。。有 D 就收少少所谓清洁费。。28."
and some charges 50 more on nui nui fee.  

TD :4/5/6/7/8
Last time, there were no 7/8 left (all went back home).  I did see 3 to 4 category 8 last time, taller but did not  have beautiful face (as expected) and quite meaty/chubby. Helped me save $.  Contrary to TD, Gondola's racing girls at 900 were quite good looking and slim when I visited there 2 months ago.  Things may change..

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-1-23 15:01 編輯 ]


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-1-24 20:04 發表

Let's try CA Sauna after CNY holiday la !!
tea tea
seldom hear you visitng sna...   change of habit...>?




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