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[原創] 長安金磚新歡

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-4-21 19:02 發表
你又對!都給那麼多錢,當然是要多點肉喇! 貧乳不是MCOT!
7-siu, i think I know your taste now..

This girl looks like 李丽珍。。。。


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-13 16:34 發表

Bro 7-siu, continue your report of LB#5 la !!
oh, I will possibly visit 金磚 tmw to join my friend's party...  anyone joining...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-14 11:39 發表

That's fine la !!  You'd go to GS with Denny after work lor !!
I stepped shit last week.  my god..  

3 of us went to GS last week.  My work had held me back and could not arrive until 9pm. I asked my friend to pick one for me.  

Walking into the room, altready exhausted with the damn traffic from HG, I saw 4 nui nuis inside the room.  1 looked like a beautiful actress (famous for some bad stories about her) but also a bit mature..  2 wet type girls with big bxxbs, and 1 si-man girl with long hair and beauitful smile.  My friend asked me to pick one from the 2 wet and 1 si-man and I picked the si-man one as I was into fresh and innocent girl recently.  Then, mami came in and brought some in, and I picked one more to play with me/us..    The 1st word the nui nui said was " you look familiar"..  Hmm, I still could not remember her..  my friend reminded me.. "ass-hole, you ate her last time": Oh, that's why she looked so familiar .. I was drunk last time when I ate her and still remembered that our 1st q last time started at 4am since both of us went asleep ( I got drunk ma).  Never mind.. Mami came in, and with an order, all girls took off their bra bra (night gown still on)...  and good enough, most of htem had big and sizeable mimis as we did our security check to ensure they did not carry any guns/bombs ma.

THe 7-8-9 dice game started but he girls seemed not enjyong it and wanted some new games. We played another game (8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1) and the girls all got quite high and drank a lot...   We also started to be more aggressive in drawing water.   THen, a girl started the dance music as the 2 wet girls loved to dance... Good , I liked dancing too and became the 舞男, dirty dancing with every girl.

THe rest was similar, singing songs, etc..  My 2 girls were competing as both of us wanted to get close to me but both of us were not the aggrssive type.   This new si-man girl looked so fresh, and she reacted strongly when I touched her back and body.  Hmm,  I had my mind set on her and would dump my old love...  

Hotel time and I was so excited. I released my old love and held my si-man girl up to the hotel room.  I started to unwrap, her under was not g-string, but a japn-school girl type under..  Oh, I took off her shirt and then bra bra, and .OH. Oh Oh., NO No No..  it is not a pink tip as I expected but a pair of big black grape!!  How come how come..  Oh, I rewinded the tape inside K like 案件重演。。 Oh, i inspected the mimi size and softness but had not been successful in inspecting the tip tip visually...   Damn,  withot asking any stupid queston, I continued like I did not notice and continued.  My eyesight had to focus on her innocent face and also the area above or below her mimi..   THe rest was like completing a job... good that I still releaed without problem..And her tunnel was like West tunnel...  oh, not airport tunnel...  I was totally fooled by her innocent look and recaction inside K..   I wanted my $$$ back....

Slept and morning Q was to recover my investment.  not joyful..   

My friend told me that he had a hard time with his wet girl as well, not allowing this and that. It seemed like we had bad luck this time. Another friend who got the beautiful mature actress was better, but he had a low requirement..  

Tea tea,
I saw your girl that you picked last time.. She still looked ok wor..

相關搜索目錄: Investment Dance


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 13:12 發表
ha ha ! This is the Golden Brick without me ! So, next time make sure call me early. Good Brother.
7-siu, this is (one of) your own court and you have a lot of good moments there..

I did not organize this party and I could not confirm to attend until the last minute (and I was late, arriving at 830pm).  Otherwise, I would send out invite to you and brothers...  

what is the key differnce between Western tunnel and airport tunnel?

Hai gor,
I know my mistake la. In fact, this si-man girl had soft mimi...  I was so foolish to believe what I saw, but not what I felt..  I should have dumped this "big black grape" and chose my old love...  Although she is not very responsive, she has a fresh engine..   


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 15:43 發表

Airport tunnel is free to use, Western Tunnel is 1 of the most expensive tunnels.
Oh, sorry for the confusion.I am referring the different tunnels in terms of the no. of lanes there.  Western tunnel..  3/4 lanes each side, fit for many cars to go in/out..  airport tunnel..1/2 lanes, could just fit in 1-2 rows of cars..  hehe


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-18 16:34 發表

Bro denny,  IF you think she is okay.  You've to try lor !!
i look for freshness and young and your girl, is a bit on the mature side..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-24 19:48 發表
your #5? your mean?

take care....




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