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[灌水] Beware of thief from Oscar K

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 15:35 發表
A friend of mine told me during the lunch today that he has a friend went to Oscar K in CA about 3 weeks ago. He was very much drunk and did not do anything with his K girl that night. He went to bed  ...
this place, as updated by an ex-oscar MM, became the place for cheap customers since the wine/etc is very cheap..

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 15:35 發表
A friend of mine told me during the lunch today that he has a friend went to Oscar K in CA about 3 weeks ago. He was very much drunk and did not do anything with his K girl that night. He went to bed  ...
I was lucky that I had been drunk a no. of times and woke up by nui nui in the morning..  nothing bad happened (nui nui wanted to leave without morning Q was nothing compared to this case)..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 18:39 發表
my experienced friend also got his wallet emptied within 5 min at CP high-class K. In the moring before releasing the girl, he went to hsi friend room next door, chit-chatting for 5 min. Upon return, the girl left, his wallet emptied (good that still had cards,id, etc untouched).....  He called mami, no use, mami said could not reach out to the nui nui and my friend just let it be since he had to hurry back to HK....


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2009-5-19 09:01 發表

大海, 快去看看有沒有懷孕呀
HKer, you are so creative... haha..  

Did you do this to your girl in making them more horny to you?


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-5-20 10:39 發表

在上海那边 一个跟我熟的女女就跟我说过他老公在SN做的。。会开LOCKER取客人钱包的钱。。一般是拿一点。。客人不会为意的。。
我听了嚇一跳 ...
hotel locker should be better wor..  

sna locker is like "no gate chicken cage"

I had one experience with hotel locker. The lock malfunctioned. I/they spent 2 hours in trying all the methods to open it, second key pad, etc.  but finally, had to break open with force.  What an experience!!


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-25 14:14 發表

I lost some condoms in this KTV's guess room too !!
Tea tea,
Are you saying that you did it without dom (not encouraged) since they were stolen?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-25 16:01 發表
He meant he has made love 3 times, so used 3 dom dom.
Thanks 7-siu for clarification.

Tea tea, this is not lost, but used ar..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-26 18:09 發表

As so many young kids go there, it is gonna become a "High" place sooner or later. I am not going la.h:" />
ya, drugs is a dangerous stuff..  and the place is more readily to be raided.

However,since tea tea found a loved one there, he may stil want to go... hehe..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-5-26 22:56 發表

only weekdays and lonesome la...i enjoy company more......
same to me.. Enjoy the fun of a group in K.  private consumption could only provide part of the fun...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-27 12:14 發表
That is why 肥佬開團is always full.
ya, still remembered the wild tour we had when you guys just returned from the "island".. We all enjoyed a great night...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-5-27 14:50 發表

that night I got 167.... and you got your Guangxi...
unfortunately, my GX girl has to return to work there. She once quitted this field and returned to work outside this industry, but something happened that she had to return..  


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-5-27 16:33 發表

Once in the field Always in the field la....whenever she needs some money she can only do the work again.....Good is that you can see her again ah...
i wish her not working in this field even though I could not see her again...  


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-2 00:09 發表
Don't forget collect the VIP card for me. and report after your visit.
Went to this K and enjoyed the 沙滩之夜 promotion (although the night we went, they had not started it offcially).   

We went there pretty early...THe set-up was like hawaii, waiters were in hawaii shirts, set-up was beach-like, quite a remarkable set-up.  Nui Nui wise, about 50-60 girls were already in bikinis.    They were sitting , standing in the selection (entrance) area and you could go close to pick your loved ones.  Sometimes, the truth is difficult to chew as we saw some "fat tummy", Division 1 thighs, etc since on bikinis, they are no way to hide those fat...  4 of us were busy with the selection..  In fact, 2 of them brought their own vegetable  (from this K) ..  My friend had no hesitation in selecting 2 slightly mature, but seemed playful girls. They were in bikinis...   One of them looked like the ATV actress, Lai Suk Yee (?)., the lady appeared on "Gu Wat Chai movie and was the lover of Yam Tat Wa"..  Myself, since I was in a low mood that night, found hard but finally chose 1 in normal uniform, like Ah Jiao of Twins (she was 60% with spectacles), 1.6m, dark skin and a young girl in bikini from Hunan, fresh and white skin, with good figure.  However, she was in M..  

Going back to K, we did the ISO 9000 stuff. It was so good that since they were on bikinis, water drawing is easy. The suits did not have pat and therefore, the tip tip could be seen and even be felt by touching on the bra...  Of course, we did not stop there and put our naughty hands inside. Since it was consiered  a si-man K, although we had tried to untie the bikinis, they put it back again..   

Here came the dance part..  With some alcohol, the girls were more into the mood. It was always fun to see girls dressing in bikini and dancing, mimi bouncing up and down. Unfortunately, we had not picked those G milk or otherwise, the scene shoudl be amazing.  Only myself and my friend danced, with 2 of her girls any my bikini girl dancing..  It was not bad being sandwiched by them and the bikinis girls were wilder now, drew us a lot of water...

Time flied...  Time to go home, oh no, go hotel. My Ah Jiao had been quite defensive in the K and bikini girl was in M, I released both, and had to call up a girl from my database..   I still had some wonderful moments with her...

Good to meet up with friends inside K and had a good dinner beforehand.. The K. charge was relatively cheap and the mami/dadi were helpful...

相關搜索目錄: Dance Database


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-3 11:12 發表

there are model grade MM here..167 shud be there..you saw her...?
Oh, I am not in the mood that night and had not really watched the model girls, who are more expensive. My overall feel is that the models there are quite good looking, better than those in G Brick..  !!  SOme of them coudl be the 5-15-20 in DH..


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-6-3 12:30 發表

It's because you're not in MOOD !!
Tea tea,
your fiona is ...


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-6-3 16:34 發表

你個love SY的Fiona有無同你搞過?
this is the 香香公主。。。


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-6-4 01:07 發表

She's not only the appetizer but also the main course for me !  She made me FULL !!
it seems that you had not explained how you could have 3Q but you had 2 domdom only as you told me that night. Did you practise environmentally friendly concept and reuse one of the dom?    I have to say that Fiona is very cute and no wonder why you are affectionate with her.

brother Spring's girl is playful as well, behave like mami..  She is a good candidate as mami..  My swimsuit Hunan girl left the room when I went out. I asked her to help get the my girl back and it was done in 5 min!    2nd time, my girl said she went out to say hi to friends adn returned but did not come back for 15 min.. I asked her again to help tell the girl "no need to come back and I will give her 100RMB to release her".   She again got her back in 5 min and my girl was sticky since then in the next 2 hours!

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-6-4 09:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-6-4 10:31 發表

Bro denny, you told me that "E-Don't" has vibration condom ah ma !!
ya, I almost forgot.  If I am not wrong, glucerna also tried that before.

How did Princess feel? Does she love it and ask for the 4th round battle?   haha

You should probably do it with your secret weapon from Durex. May be you have used it already.  




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