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原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-7-6 17:41 發表
前幾天收到一個揾過幾次的MM來信息叫我幫拒500文,話要來坐車去廣州探拒老豆病, 呢個MM我好喜歡的。。揾果幾次。。後來回家了。。但就從來無
發過消息給我。。這次是用一個新號碼發的。。仲打電話來。。 ...
if you want to take her again, then 500RMB is a risk bet and you should go for it although it is very likely that she may just need some $ for whatever reasons.  Of course, be prepared that you will not be able to see her again..  

Suggest to go to GZ with her to see her father.. See how she reacts..  If she "no la" and sounds fishy, then you know what to do.

Recently, 2 girls asked 500RMB. I tried to help the 1st one but could not due to various reasons. the 2nd one.. I asked her to  see me first but she said 'cannot at the moment". i told her  " then I could not give you the RMB500".


原帖由 kenkan 於 2009-7-6 22:06 發表

不過好多人有病又真係會去廣州醫o既, 急起上o黎電話list上搵得就搵o左先, 如果真係有事起o黎十蚊就係十蚊. 可能佢就係知道平時又冇咩搵你唔好意思問你要咁多, 如果有空咪先用5毫~5蚊回下佢信息關心吓佢, 問佢 ...
agree with you...Kenken.

No matter what excuses they use, you never know what the real reasons are .. I will let my didi to decide. If I still want to take/see her, then I may just lend her the $ (amount to be decided).  

Having said that, girls should also do some customer relationship management and send sms to customers/water fishes like us once in a while to keep leads alive. then, when there is a need to borrow $, it will not be that odd ma...




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