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[原創] An illusion from New Century - CP

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-8-23 00:31 發表 Every night, before there can go to ask table, they would be briefing in the performance hall. That was quite a scene !
I also remembered that my friends and I went to the performance hall, walking through hundreds of girls in different uniforms, some even changing/tidying up uniforms openly, exposing under and bra bra.  What a scene to remember!  We went there before 7pm to fetch these early birds even before their meetings.. Those were the days!


原帖由 KMY89 於 2009-8-23 18:38 發表 亞信仍係體貼入微,我覺得服待到似"禮儀師的嗚奏曲"的本木雅宏,於是我就笑笑 .
KMY, I  laughed out while reading this.  Did she give you a "bath" with wet towels while you are "sleeping" on the bed?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-8-24 14:41 發表 I like to go to new places. Da Hoi and I are going to a new club tonight, introduced by Brother Denny2000.Shall report after that.Also, I am going to Tienjin tomorrow, see whether there is any ...
opps. i have never been to this place and it just happened that my sp works there now. I hope you will have a good trip though...


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-8-24 17:36 發表 咦。。乜唔係非常時期咩?
K has always not been affected much, only no uniforms, no shows or smaller no. of batch for selection... Of course, not sure what will happen in pre and post 10-1 period...  

In fact, I was in DM last week, N-dance was still on.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-8-24 17:50 發表 非常時期。。。有時係為某人而設嫁!!BTW, PM我知。。DM邊度有N。。舞
ya, you are right.  strange that someone is still so free. haha.

PMed ...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-25 12:26 發表 我带了SP..。。但帮妈咪坐了一个。。个样同身材都可以。。但就成晚发信息。。。就是我无带SP也不会带她的。。。
hmm. are you referring to the night in Century?


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-9-3 15:53 發表 唔知D鴨變老左都仲可以做。。。。靠D乜。。樣靚?大碌?or識奶撻?
i think those who visits D鴨 are mostly mamis. They are not young (most of them) and would just need some sweet talkers... 奶撻 should be an advantage..  may be the recipients of SM as well as I believe many mamis feel so 受气(by customers like us, who always ask for many rounds of girls and are still not happy, haha).




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