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[檔案] 無奈的真愛

原帖由 7-siu 於 2010-1-21 16:53 發表
hmm, although I saw #4 once only, I could tell she is quite sweet to you ar...

7-siu, what have you done to her so that she feels like an addict? need to learn from you since I am the one feeling more an addict than "her"..  


原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-1-22 12:24 發表



大家玩几年 ...
agree with hoi gor saying..

Those are the facts that we could not deny.

When LB knows that she could not marry you (or she has not thought of marrying you), she has the mindset to be with you , be nice to you and earn a few hundred thousand and one day, she will get married.  She may understand that the guy she married is shit, but she just wants to fulfill a normal woman's path  in China.  She do not mind getting separated but she minds not getting married..


原帖由 lomo 於 2010-1-23 14:14 發表
I know how much you love her. However, all of us, including you, who have been married know that this  type of unrequiitted love is much more bitter sweet than actually getting married. Also, once the ...
Agree to this statement very much.  

Love is always the bitterest and the sweetest when you know it is not a longlasting/forever one or you know that you could not get her/him 100%.  If that dream/fantasy is gone, it is another story.

We always dream of something/someone when it is far from reality but if it really happens, it may just be not as sweet/good as we thought...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-1-25 18:11 發表

那时大家都有了共识她要回家结婚了。。她也开始多回家。。在家买房子。。跟人搞生意。。。最后一次她那家饭店搞起来了在家待了三个多月。。。一天她来&# ...
ya, it happens gradually and unless she is a great pretender, you would feel it. May be she also felt your diminishing love on her as well.  We are all human beings and have 6th sense...

Good that she seems to have a happy life. It is not easy as most of them just use up the $ on different things, drugs, majong, wolfdogs, gambling, poor business management, etc.


原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-1-26 01:28 發表

she is rather lucky and she is fine now..has a baby girl..the restaurant runs well..and she just bought a Nissan Bluebird...
seems like having a better life than many of us.. hehe.


原帖由 Challenger 於 2010-3-21 11:12 發表
Brother, six years ago, I started to be with my girl.  I read your article about the difficulty of helping the girl to move back to normal life.  I learnt a lot.  Thanks.  
are you still with her?  Sad but true, but even if you are successful, she may choose to have her new life with another one..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2010-4-13 12:02 發表

我就觉得大家开心过就好啦。。也无所谓浪费什么钱呀青春呀。。钱揾来使既。。青春也就是度过的。。她不跟你跟别人还不是๠ ...
absolutely! since you do not what might have happened to you and her if another path were taken, then better be easy about it.  of course, memory is difficult to be erased and it should not be..




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