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[灌水] 現在常仔K的客不是客

原帖由 markLee 於 2010-3-12 10:42 發表

嘩,呢條女串過碼頭咕呢 !!! 比我一於唔派彩住,直到散場。等你仲收少d!!!!
haha, good tactic.  I was once in Penin...  The girl I sat played cool, wanted me to release her (for another table sitting).  I kept her until the last minute, and released her...  

may be 冰河 no need to tell the nui nui about the fast food arrangement. Just get the nui nui up to the room for a quick meal (saying burning fire). Then, come down to the K room and release her for 5 instead of ON..  

In fact, the nui nui is stupid.  She could discuss with 冰河 brother to have the quick meal and release her. May be she could get an ON table, thus earning 5 + 8...  Even if it is  sit table only, it will be 5+ 2 and the whole night free (to meet up with wolf dog).  

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-3-15 11:59 發表

i met a trainee DJ in Gold Brick last year. she moved to this place as a DJ, but never managed to go there.


原帖由 BPL 於 2010-3-16 04:46 發表
The problem is that ...
All the men are just released from the CNY
and there are not enough pretty women for us to share

It's the time to explore a new paradise now ^-^
true. too many hungry men, too few girls...




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