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[檔案] Par3 貨架

The pictures look good, in particular this one 20080817V001 (00-33-59.568).jpg..  By the way, how old is she?

Par 3 gor, are you considering getting a higher resolution camera?  


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-8-18 17:36 發表
We have to understand when Par3 takes these photos, he has to set up many things in advance. He use the video mode of his notebook. These photos were extracted from videos.
Yes, I do understand and this is possibly the best set of original steal-taken pictures series at this forum. THanks again 7-siu effort.  

Men are greedy..  always ask for more.. hehe..

I am so poor. The best picture/moment I could take is the one I ask before the girls leave, all dressed up with clothes.   NExt time, I may try to be bold to ask if I could take a picture without hte clothes, or the clothes under a towel.  At least, the sexy shoulders, the mimi gap, or the long legs could be seen.  OK, that would be my next action plan...   

I need to learn from Old Chan of another forum. His pictures of FL girls at CP, Macau and other places always make us jealous!! Most of them are good looking, good figures and not shy to be naked in front of photos (for those from Macau)

相關搜索目錄: Video


回復 1118# 的帖子


11 hours or 11 customers?  Is it like ma-lum...


回復 1120# 的帖子

is she the sauna girl? Then, it is 1.5 hrs per customer, 16 hrs!!  

yes, sometimes, customers ask for 2 shots (like those strong brother here) and it may mean 16 shots if it is 1.5 shots per customer..   

26 customers!! who is KY?   Even if it is 30 min per customer, non-stop (1 after 1), then it takes 13 hrs!  For a HB girl, I could not imagine since nromally , they only start work at 1-2pm, finishing off at 9pm. she must be very hardworking.


原帖由 par3 於 2008-8-19 16:29 發表
i am KY's first customer, and my virgin report belongs to her, since she owe 120 customers to the organizer and she only had 2 weeks per stay, i think she had to try her best to get it done. do u reme ...
Oh, KY is a 141 in HB..  So, she has to work one week to repay the agency fee and the 2nd week to earn her own $.  very blood-sucking agent!!

you are so good-hearted. .  I have read your report but forgot which page..


原帖由 par3 於 2008-8-19 16:39 發表
the 11 customers gal is a SN gal in zh
hmm, what is the full version of HB?

相關搜索目錄: 香檳


friendly reminder: post#21 is KY 任小姐..

She looks quite girl next door!  Good taste..  In fact, she has the "福气" feel.  She should be ok in Tibet.

In fact, i like the girl on #28.. She must be the wild wild type. Right?  what foreplay did she do to you to make you surrender??


回復 1129# 的帖子

they have to get married before 25. It is like the deadline! Some of my ex- told me that no matter he is good or bad, they need to marry before 25. They did not mind separation afterwards..

At the same time, we brothers who are worried about tigers at home, who have financial burden to raise the family but not getting much fun woudl envy you as a free bird.

so, no need to be unhappy. In this world, we are all "I see you good, you see me better" lor..  

The ideal situation is that you get a good wife, love you, care for you but do not mind (or at least half eye open ) to your secret activities on a regular basis.  May be in real life, not too many of us have a life like 7-siu.   HE has #2,#3,#4 and stilll have a family in CAN and still have chance to taste meat outside..  


原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-9-5 20:26 發表

呵呵。 。。我就無哩個煩惱喇。h:" /> 。。最多咪100∼200M囉。。。因為我邊有2哥甘勁成19∼20分鐘
very longlasting to have non-stop 20 min!!

The lady in the pictures/videos looks very young..  and her nipples are erected !!


原帖由 par3 於 2008-9-25 10:27 發表
寄件日期:2008年9月22日 18:33:07
每一天都在等着你的消息,我在努力呢?你是我唯一值得去爱的人,但是得到我的爱却不是那么的多,我真的很后悔,这一切不知是为了什么,好&# ...
par 3 gor, it seems that she wants to reunit with you but you are stone-hearted.   May be the article below is a good explanation why you have not looked back?   

說 分 手
  瀏覽人次: 9,600  

同 一 句 分 手 , 出 自 男 人 的 口 , 和 出 自 女 人 的 口 , 結 果 大 不 一 樣 。
男 人 說 分 手 , 是 經 過 深 思 熟 慮 的 , 在 這 之 前 , 他 往 往 已 隱 忍 許 久 , 籌 謀 思 量 , 痛 定 思 痛 , 確 定 自 己 即 使 仍 留 戀 這 段 感 情 , 卻 對 這 段 關 係 徹 底 喪 失 信 心 。
男 人 說 分 手 , 不 是 一 種 姿 態 , 也 無 意 再 作 商 討 , 那 是 他 單 方 面 宣 佈 他 的 決 定 , 開 弓 沒 有 回 頭 箭 。
很 大 一 部 分 女 人 說 分 手 , 卻 往 往 是 言 不 由 衷 的 , 或 一 時 衝 動 , 或 一 時 激 憤 , 或 者 , 脆 就 是 她 的 一 種 手 段 。
所 以 , 男 人 說 完 分 手 , 可 以 很 決 絕 地 掉 頭 就 走 。 這 個 時 候 , 如 果 他 心 軟 , 被 女 人 的 哭 泣 和 懇 求 挽 留 下 來 了 , 結 果 也 不 容 樂 觀 。 他 心 中 已 萌 去 意 , 女 人 要 重 建 一 段 關 係 , 工 程 相 當 浩 大 , 且 吃 力 不 討 好 , 若 核 心 問 題 最 終 不 能 解 決 , 經 過 短 暫 的 迴 光 返 照 , 陽 壽 已 盡 的 感 情 始 終 不 能 逃 脫 死 亡 的 命 運 。
女 人 說 完 分 手 , 也 掉 頭 走 , 但 一 邊 走 , 一 邊 卻 豎 起 耳 朵 , 期 待 聽 到 身 後 傳 來 男 人 追 逐 的 腳 步 聲 , 聽 到 他 氣 喘 如 牛 的 懇 求 。
說 穿 了 , 女 人 說 分 手 , 充 其 量 只 是 要 挾 而 已 , 逼 迫 男 人 滿 足 她 的 不 合 理 要 求 , 逼 迫 他 更 加 重 視 她 , 逼 迫 他 負 荊 請 罪 , 逼 迫 他 體 味 失 去 她 的 痛 楚 。
說 分 手 的 是 女 人 , 關 係 通 常 可 以 修 補 ; 說 分 手 的 是 男 人 , 那 麼 , 謹 記 一 定 要 搶 在 他 的 前 頭 , 拔 腿 就 走 。 你 走 得 比 他 快 , 至 少 , 他 還 會 記 得 你 有 一 個 漂 亮 的 背 影 。 你 若 苦 苦 哀 求 , 只 會 讓 他 殘 存 的 一 點 點 內 疚 都 化 作 嫌 惡 。


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-9-25 11:35 發表
7 -siu and par gor,
Since you are not living with her/them, how would you know if she has not betrayed you?  From what I heard, most girls would have 1 main bf and 1 back-up, if not more.   Unless you catch her on bed, like us, she could have millions of reasons to deny even though you catch her on some strange calls, strange SMS, etc.  


回復 1206# 的帖子

It seems that you had a good time at his new place!  how is the overall quality of girls?

I had never tried this before since most girls would ask you to leave her. The best would be she held you for a few min, (pretended) to be enjoying the climax.  If you stayed inside her for the whole night, then either she really enjoyed being with you..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-10-5 17:54 發表
You have a friend who is an expert in avoiding your wife share 1/2 of your wealth. Why don't you ask ? That is me la , of course.
really?  That's good. My friend just got separated and his wealth was reduced by half because of this.  I heard that even if you plan to move your $ out of your account before the separation,  it is still traceable and accountable to be split..  h:" />


Par 3 Gor,

I read and know that she betrayed you before and beared a wolf dog.  However, if you still love her, why not giving her a try or you have lost the love feelilng on her?  Many working girls have wolf dogs behind them. I am not saying we have to tolerate but if she now regrets (honestly) and wants to mend the hole, why not giving her the chance?

Of course, if you lose the feeling and you could never trust her, then it is better to forget her 100%.

Hard to take from both sides..  

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 DrTea 於 2008-10-28 17:38 發表

Sometimes in KTV too !
aiya, so attractive to kau a girl who claims to be a virgin normal office girl.. That's why par gor is so committed to nurture the relationship.  


原帖由 par3 於 2008-10-29 08:20 發表

You are right. Timing is also important. You need different things/girls at different stages and it seems that you are looking for a potential candidate as a wife then your current gf is more appropriate.

Does it mean that LL is not大波好身材一族?? Then, your love on her must be her look and figure (except ball ball).  

Regarding MCU D1, i have not been there for years for dropped quite a lot of $$ there in the past (also D2 ). I try to answer your questions based on my outdated info. and I know nothing has changed that much.

唔知澳門有冇套票賣(係澳門,唔係信德), yes, at those counters at the terminal. I am not too sure how much discount they offer. If I am not wrong, they offer package with 1 return ticket to HK (vs 2 return tickets if you buy the package in HK Shun Tak). For me, I often got into D1 by walk-in since I usually had not made up my mind when on the boat.

唔知有乜囡囡選擇,唔知點揀囡囡(金魚缸定池邊睇騷).  fish boat, girls sitting on the benches, but no glasses.  Quite dark though. during selection, they will give you a cup to soft drinks.  I usually spent at least 5-10 min while being chased by managers to make up my mind. No hurry (unless at occasioons when there were many other customers waiting).

唔知如果被囡囡吹爆係咪就會收工唔知俾幾多貼士, you could either talk to the manager in advance or talk to the girl before.  Sometimes, the girl will offer you 2 shots for free and sometimes, the girls will ask for some additional tips like 100-200.  The easier way (to avoid disappointment) is to tell  the girls u will give her tips for 2 shots.  Since you have not guaranteed the amt, if you are happy, consdier give her 100-200 tips.  

,唔知成個流程係點.: as usual, thai bath, body massage inside bath tub, sometimes bj inside, a bit of services on bed, fxxk, go..   IF you plan for 2 shots, you'd better take a quick shower and fxxx, have the body msg inside bath tub midway, give you mroe time to rest, and the n 2 round.  

想食嘢係事前定事後食呢?如果想攤抖一下睇電視完事後仲有冇機-not so in D1 or D2. come-select-go inside the room-fxxk-leave

.係唔係揀囡後90分鐘就要埋單: yes.  during non-peak times and if you pretended to leave, you could ask for 120 min. It happened to me sometimes if I went there around 1pm. However, the girl selection was not as good as if you went there later (5-6pm). During racing, i do not think they will offer 120 min.

Hope that helps. If info. is not updated, pls check the macau forum as well.

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-10-29 08:47 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Make up


回復 1265# 的帖子

if i don't want fake tits and try the famous type of gals in D1, which kind of gals should i choose, thai, viet, any real korean,..?

Par Gor,
There is no guarantee between fake/real v nationality. I would say Thai girls have a higher % of fake tits, I like Vietnam girls as they are more natural in general.  One other advice is that you could choose a girl with not-so-big tits!     If it is a pair of fake tits,usually, they will maake them bigger..


原帖由 par3 於 2008-11-1 22:00 發表
D1主要係朝聖心態多啲.幾年前曾經打算D1係小弟金盤洗手前嘅最後一擊,但依家睇嚟個盤都好難用得著 所以擇日不如撞日,約埋個friend一齊去算啦.佢事前約咗小弟不下五次,今次決定落搭.嘻嘻
D1 is good for non-chinese girls as other snas like 18 and Xanadu have more mainland girls than other nationalilties.   

18: I do not like it at all since it is too rush. Although I have to say that the line-up of 80 girls (peak time) for you to view close-up is quit amazing!  howver, there are too many customers and if you hesitate, girls are selected in every 2 sec!!


原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-11-3 01:07 發表

18: although it is rush, you coudl still have a rest area to take a rest and if you do not mind the busy environment, you could stay there for a few hours and check out the nui nuis many times (During show time). For D1, it is simply go, see, select, pay, bath, fxx, rest, fxxk (sometimes), and leave..


原帖由 par3 於 2008-11-10 11:23 發表
發現原來以另一個角度去睇媽咪,囡囡嘅生活真係會有好唔同感覺,好震憾.開始明點解囡囡有錢賺都咁差嘅態度,雖然理解,但站喺消費者角度去睇件事,當然唔認同.仲有好多其他嘢想講,但又唔係乜都可 ...
are you referring to their pressure from the society/parents/hometown of being in this trade?  I once thought about their poor life, at sna, one has to lick >5 times different dick dick every day, being entered 10 times a day (for popular girls), For K girls, they had to drink a lot, being harrassed by many men every night inside K?  However, there is no free lunch. They coudl earn the $ one day or otherwise, they have to work for 1 month if they are a sales girl/waitresses/etc.


原帖由 FKU 於 2008-11-10 18:09 發表
If you have been supporting her (full support) for 6 years and she does not show any sympathy and asks for separation, it is a good reflection how much she "loves" you.  You could even try testing the limit by asking her to lend you $$ and see..  

It is painful to separate but since it is her that asks for separation, may be it is a good time to cut it now.

Simon gor,
囡囡答案。。竟然係。。。。。。。 "我落場去坐平枱,大家一齊捱住先"

Wa, then it is hard to separate from her..  !  What a girl!


原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-11-11 09:09 發表

P.S. 個囡囡唔係夜場識。。亦無做過果行,雖然個樣生得唔錯。。。
If it is the case, then it is even more worthwhile to be with her since she has not worked in this profession before and is willing to  "我落場去坐平枱". Even if she is a goldfish, she still needs to be draw-water by many many customers..   

Imagine one day if the girl needs money, your friend may need to be a "duck duck'


原帖由 par3 於 2008-11-11 21:53 發表

睇見囡囡喺契姐生日party時一時感觸喊到收唔倒聲,睇見同組姊妹,媽咪喺平時囡囡俾客抽水嘅房打成一片.睇見麻雀枱上另一個囡囡個老豆做我上家......一下子連自已都好亂,感到呢個世界真係好 ...
This world is weird..  The world in China is even more weird and there are so many stories...some make you mad, some make you sad, some make you cry....


回復 1307# 的帖子

Most girls in China (or in the world) think that they are good girls and deserve the best..  

And are there any "good:" girls in this universe?  

We are all good in fooling ourselves and making excuses for ourselves to feel better.  However, I could see that your ex- still loves you a lot..


回復 1310# 的帖子

Support. And girls (and even men sometimes) always pretend to be the sufferers.  In fact, you suffered a lot//

this is difficult.. from my limited understanding, many girls (those working ones) would have more than 1 target, or at least 1/some back-ups.




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