Agree that brothers should not tell the ladies (whoever they are) too much. I once had a male's colleague who told our female colleague about some of the steal eat tactics.. I want to kill him... pity to my female's colleague's husband..
For us, no need to panic. There are some basic "rules" that we should adhere to
1) do not disclose the full name of the place, use coding
2) change your date/timing of your trip a bit
3) not to disclose the mami's/contact names in public
4) do not use your real name on this type of forums..
5) even if you use real names, do not use the same "false" name to post other replies in the same/different forums on something less sensitive (e.g. football forums, interest forums) as they are all traceable by a simple search function
We have to understand that whatever we do, the risk is still there. But we should all try best to avoid those or otherwise, do not play lor...