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原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-4-28 17:34 發表
7-siu, sorry to hear that.  

There are always guys like those you've described.  A better way is to conceal some of the details (changing the names/timing), origins of nui nuis, eetc.  You are an expert and should know what to do.  

To set a higher limit does not help since those are interested will "wash board" with "good report", "ching well done", etc. to get more points. I do not think that helps.  I am also sad to hear one comment that the guy who betrayed 7-siu may be someone who knows him well.  The guy..   

I think the best way to move ahead is to conceal some details and continue reporting.  I want to submit report but my hunting time is very limited these days. Hope to contribute a bit more in May...


你們這樣的以” 是非作人情,後果是七少會被人打的!如果,還想七少以後出報告,請收聲!
Just also want to share my anger to those "men" who like to share with his wives, wive's friends, female friends on juicy stories.  Those "men" should be jailed for life of no "sxx" and their "didi" cut and minced..  

Recently, my wife shared with me actor ABC always go clubbing and to which clubs/when/how he went clubbing without being noticed. Some of the tricks are used by brothers like me/us..  She told me that it was her friend's husband (a "On7" man) sharing this in front of the ladies group dinner ( I did not join) about all these juicy stories. Of course, my wife asked me the 1 million question: "did I do this?".  Calmly, I said, of course...., not..  my darling.... she replied "Oh", with a cunning smile...  Women/ladies should never be told on all the tricks, juicy stories!!


原帖由 peter_gcru 於 2008-5-1 18:56 發表
內文大意說他的台灣和大6朋友看不懂我說的407 , 508是什麼地方!
經過一輪辯論/吵鬧後! ...
校長, very good advice.   

There are always some sad guys who use this "info" to please girls, managers, etc. Go to hell to those guys...  


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-2 16:19 發表

Tell us more about it la, Hengli??? where is it ah...
in Dongguan, near CP..  I heard about the wonderful YK SNA...  Not sure if big brother is referring to this place..  know nothing about the K.  

Hope Dr Tea coudl share a little bit more info. cos' i have planned to make a trip next week...

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-5-2 16:38 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-2 16:46 發表

Next week, then you can soon give a report also wo..
yap...  i hope so...   but after my last double mission in CA, i have lost appetite for a while.. I am hungry now...


原帖由 ying8585 於 2008-5-3 01:12 發表

我已經pm左比條友仔, 希望佢會删左d場名啦, 我話好多謝佢出左d又詳細又精彩既告報, 但希望佢為大家以後的利益和唔想ca變第二個cp, 希望佢會改啦, 真係多撚謝佢!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just read that report in Dxxxxxx forum.  The full names are still there.  This guy is crazy, he disclosed the full names of sna/k. at CA and CP.  I think someone guess it right, he should be a taiwanese and visit China once a year..  He does not care about the place being disclosed too much or not.   Besides, this guy looks amateur too since he said he did not realize chocolate hotel is a 3-star hotel...


原帖由 peter_gcru 於 2008-5-5 02:06 發表
To denny2000,
算把啦!佢o地只係到過沙灘、407等地方豪d o既如深仔 正保龍、啦c喂+c相信都未去過!更加唔好話到過半山、朱古力等地了
但係dxxxx~ Sorry ~ 我睇唔到佢地有腦會諗到呢點!

Peter headmaster,
I know we could not be angry since we could not do much.  Just to share my anger...

in fact, i have also not visited all the places you mentioned.  I am interested in 啦c喂+c as I pass this place everytime I go back to my SZ base...   Is it a place with model-like goldfishes (and needs $ and time to turn them into woodenfish)?

Dxxxxxx..  there are so many whistle-blowing leaders there.  The more trivial the reports, the better responses they will have.  

TW guys: Agree with your comments and in fact, many tw guys are more secretive and use secret codes.   They were also suffered by those dog dog team and the gochina/baseball trip in hte last few years. However, tw guys (and now some Hk guys) are so proud of their own "experiences" and lose their brains and disclose all detailed info.

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-6 02:24 發表

The point is I am so well known in the "Factory" !!!!!
In fact, "factory" owner should express their big thanks to you since your reports have been attracting a lot of new visitors... You should not be scared of visiting there...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-6 11:52 發表

I have said many many times, I am not worry about the taiwanese informer told the girls that I took the photos and posted them onto here. BUT some other thing. I shall say it out in a few mon ...
Sorry, 7-siu.   




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