你們這樣的以” 是非作人情,後果是七少會被人打的!如果,還想七少以後出報告,請收聲!
Just also want to share my anger to those "men" who like to share with his wives, wive's friends, female friends on juicy stories. Those "men" should be jailed for life of no "sxx" and their "didi" cut and minced..
Recently, my wife shared with me actor ABC always go clubbing and to which clubs/when/how he went clubbing without being noticed. Some of the tricks are used by brothers like me/us.. She told me that it was her friend's husband (a "On7" man) sharing this in front of the ladies group dinner ( I did not join) about all these juicy stories. Of course, my wife asked me the 1 million question: "did I do this?". Calmly, I said, of course...., not..

my darling.... she replied "Oh", with a cunning smile...

Women/ladies should never be told on all the tricks, juicy stories!!