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原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-10 13:44 發表

  I have exactly the feeling on working girls...  I told 2 of my closer lunchboxes in the past that I really admired their courage and gut to come all the way to China SOuth, doing something that no one feel excited to share about, and faced the prssure from their home that they had to get married before 25 and also all the bad words behind them, saying that they sacrificed their bodies for $$.....   Both of them wanted to study but terminated at different stages sinec their families did not have the $ to support them further and they could hardly get a decent job.

Of coures, you could say that they are greedy, they have no dignity.  Yes, they are greedy, their eyes are on $ and they know they are doing something immoral for $...   But look, when I was 17, i had just graduated Form 5, no financial pressure, my path (and most friends of that age) was straightforward, finished the A-level and tried to get into the University. We did not need to worry much about $ and future..  

Regarding topics to discuss, I coudl not expect MMs from China to communicate with me in English, or expet them how to drink/enjoy red wine.  However, do not forget we as HKer, also learnt how to drink red wine not many years ago.. In 80's , we still think that the older the red wine, the better. In fact, I was quite moved by my lunchbox when I told her the basic step of enjoying a glass of red wine and some stories about red wine, she sighed..  saying that I am so lucky to be a HKer, have the chance to know so many things, and they could not have the chance to be exposed to the outside world (and she must be thinking that she was so unlucky to spend the time with me rather than a handsome 20's years old young Chinese man, haha)...  I could not say a word for 10 sec...

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-6-11 01:29 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


[quote]原帖由 glucerna 於 2008-6-11 01:28 發表

Good story.. Thanks for sharing..

As a man, most of us like to be rescuer...  Some do it with heart and money, I think you may be this kind (and apologize if I try to categorise you, or categorize you wrongly).   I would say that your heart must be very warm but hurting when she cried,  knowing that someone you loved so much was married to someone else (hurting) and feeling happy that she had a bright future (warm).  

It is fate to bring you two together...  You may never get another one that gave you the feel.  Although she is not with you anymore, at least you had this little sweet story to remember, may be for the whole life. ALthough you pay some $$, were at risk of damaging your family, etc.  but no pain no gain..


原帖由 glucerna 於 2008-6-11 21:56 發表


The most ideal mindset will be

1) 交流时:同情她,爱护它。

But I could seldom follow this rule..


原帖由 glucerna 於 2008-6-11 21:56 發表


The most ideal mindset will be

1) 交流时:同情她,爱护它。

But I could seldom follow this rule..


原帖由 eric36 於 2008-6-12 11:07 發表
so your rod never gets hard or you die everytime??




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