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第234 次 出擊 - 匯豐華人國際銀行 4/F (CP 第 4 擊)

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Mat Mat becomes so professional now. i still remembered a few months ago, he was still struggling how to avoid being noticed with train tickets, CRH schedules, etc.  

did you get some slaps by her?  Wa, what a scene..


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-19 14:27 發表

本來她有給 phone number我, 有機會下次 out for dinner.但是 too 危險 to me, 我 deleted.
you could change/shuffle the no, give her a man's name and duck jor!  Of course, you have to remember how you have changed the no....  However, since you do not go up frequently, mind as well not to take the risk..


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-20 13:15 發表

This is another reason why I don't go to P city today.......... instead, going to HB for Coco will be much more comfotable and equally enjoyable la!
HB A or B, which Coco? There are many Coco  there...

Wish you all have fun in A or P, in particular the MP project.  I need to travel to a not-so-fun city in China later this week..    No appetite to eat anything there since I have tried quite a few but service and girl's quality may be around 50% of A or P.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-20 14:12 發表

The Coco on A Block.............. the favorite of YD-Matt!
I never manage to visit her as her door always shows busy sign or door closed.   YD-Matt visited her NN times...  

So, the time for you to eat "fang si"?




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