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原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-4-26 03:16 發表
搞到我都鬼甘唔好意思...因為雖然我無到場,果日的安排係同我有D闗 ...
simon gor, sorry that I could not join since I had to stay in CA that night.

Seems that I missed a good party at DL.   Wa, so strong. got 2 morning Q after getting drunk. I could easily stay sick for 1/2 day at least after getting drunk like this..

I had some wonderful time in CA as well. we went to TD the other night...  Spring got a rare spice, young & tall, very shy and sticky type. hope he had a good meal..


原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2009-4-27 00:37 發表

From what I observed, she is the warrior type...   She must have requested too many times from 春天師兄 over the long night that had made him too tired to wake up. Right?


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-4-27 02:13 發表

ok, let's me write a report.  AA,  春天師兄.. pls add your portion...

My friend V..  and myself were thinking where to go when both of us were enjoying BJ by 2 different girls together (we were so poor that we had to share a sna room ), while our didi were already flushed with blood, our brains were still functioning.  Gold brick? just went there last night...  Carnival.. went there too many times recently...  DM: not easy to find a room in weekend......Then, the image of a beautiful mamis flowed to my mind.. She had returned to TDMH K a few weeks ago... Besides, another experienced forum friend of mine also mentioned that he went there 2 weeks ago and found that the quality was quite good...  Hence, we made up our mind going there.

While my friend and I were working hard on the girls respectively, I received a SMS. Who the hell sms me at this critical time? I got soft, but was happy to see that some brothers were available that night...  After doing a few SMS while having some heated session with the girls, we had a party confirmed..

Arriving the place at around 730pm, quite quiet. What happened? (later found out that 2/f was quieter)..   Then, a dark-clored skin mami came (not my favorite mami SS).  She brought in 1st 2 rounds, oh shit, all of us were saying, 吾系啊? Some of them even do not worth 2-6-8 but marked at 3-8-10.   I saw many of our brothers' faces turned black..  I felt sorry since I proposed to come here..  Thanks for brother's encouragement and said if we did not find any nui nui, just 5 of us drinking and left wor.

3rd round..  here come a small built mui mui, cutie type... smiling a lot, 1.6m from Xian. I picked her (2-6-8 category).  My friends still not had any pick. Then, 4th and 5th round, it was like "hurracaine' as AA picked 2 tall and beautiful (1 with good size mimis), Spring picked a tall but not smiling nui nui, and my friend V chose a very cheerful girl..   The party finally started at 8ish.   We had 4 men, 5 girls and AA got 2...  haha.

The usual K ISO 9000 started. When I looked at Spring's nui nui, Oh my god, she looked so beautiful with good figures..  Her shyness really killed me (and many brothers, I thought).  My girl was very cheerful and sticky.   AA girls were quite playful but one of them was quite inchy.. After a while, this inchy girl was sent away by AA.   Aiya, I told AA if he found her inchy, let her sit with me ar (and he paid the fee ma). Dot not waste.. hehe..

After a few hours of play, a lot of drinks, etc, and of course a reunion with mami SS, all of us were more geared up.  Howver, only Spring and myself decided to bring the girls back and others did not (for different reasons).  
to be continued for my experience with little cutie from Xian...

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-4-27 16:53 編輯 ]


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-4-27 17:31 發表


[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-4-30 09:08 編輯 ]


原帖由 metalazo 於 2009-4-28 10:16 發表
My 天V K pretty girl is really one of the best I have in this year. 167cm, good body figure and sweet face.   Sadly that I was too tired and a bit ill, so I let her go . :sauja ...
brother, not  天V K..  TDMH K...   天V K is at your home court..    haha..  Although you were too tired to take her that day, I am sure you have got her phone no. and eat her one day..


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-4-29 16:18 發表

不好意思, 果晚在港走不開, 恭喜西門兄食到好野!
我近排還是和KIMCHI一起, 有少少沉
Jack gor, long time no see/talk.

if you do not sink, you will not be with KIMCHI la...  Enjoy the sink but do not sink to the bottom...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-4 13:52 發表

I'd 4Q with 3 successful shooting only !!
4Q..  could not believe it..  You must have been hungry for a while.. haha.

how was your TDMH girl that you brought out? Is she good?


原帖由 遲來的春天 於 2009-5-4 14:54 發表

Oh, Tea even went 1 Q raw.. or having recycled product..  What an evnironmental friendly brother...


原帖由 遲來的春天 於 2009-5-4 15:01 發表
[quote]原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-5-4 10:19 發表

嘩...真係好妖下喎.....唔知你又食左D咩野呢? [/quote

Golf 中專畢業,做過球僮!好主動,又熱情, ...
spring gor,
this is another girl, not the girl from TD?  How about the girl from TD? she looks innocent and sexy. I still remembered the way she stuck at you inside k. she seems to be a hot girl as well.  true?

相關搜索目錄: Golf


原帖由 遲來的春天 於 2009-5-4 22:15 發表

only195個月,河南,169cm,清純但怕醜,是媽咪叫她坐得親密D,因為我們很后期才揀到她!之前在TD-SN做收銀,剛做二十多天,因為害羞休息了10多天,那天才休息完了出來的第一天,我說帶她回深圳,她沒想就答應了 ...
Wa, no wonder she is so tall and so shy...   she is good looking as well and shoudl be the same without make-up..

she is like a honey bee sticking to your body. quite sweet sweet feel.

Must be a popular choice in TD..  Spring.. you are good in spotting this girl.. She escaped from my radar screen.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-5 13:02 發表
Friday to CA, Saturday to 東坑, Sunday to ST. ok?
Wa, 7-siu...  3 nights of wonderful activities... Unfortunately, could not join and only envy you guys..  




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