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[原創] 銀泉芬蘭浴

After reading so many good reports on SS, I decided to have my virgin trip last night after work.  I was almost tempted to go to 4/F or 11/F but since I was very tired and needed some  massages, I decided to go to SS.

Environment was better than I thought, setup was still new and clean...I like it is quite bright in the bath/shower area.  Locker boys/men provided good services with smiles, which was so hard to find these days.  

I decided to go up for my 1.5 hr massage right away after 2 glasses of juices. To my disappointment, most of the good # I dropped down were not avail.  THe only # that matched with my record was !^....  In fact, I forgot about why I had this no.  Manager said that she was young.

Guided to a room, it was quite dark and here she was. Since it was quite dark, I could not see clearly but never mind since I went for the massage.  The 1st 45 min was quite refreshing as I had not had my back "stamped by foot" for a long time since i was once hurt by an unskilllful mm..  Luckily, !^ seemed not bad and I felt asleep, as usual.

The next 45 min started with some oil massage at the back..  Slowly, her hands went down and "accidentally" 1/2 ,  then 3/4.  I liked the moment of guessing: "was she tempting me for something else?". However, nothing happened but the massage of my legs was quite good.  

THen, I flipped over..  Here it came the stomache massage..  It was very powerful and it really helped (since I had the desire to go to toilet).  I and didi had been calm throughout the process, my hands had been very quiet but not sure why the stomach massage really injected life to my body and my didi.  The situation was a bit embarrasing and we almost broke out at the same time for the full VAS.  She was very skillful and this VAS process was wonderful. In fact, I had not tried this for years since nowadays,there were so many options for full meal and I seldom went for this VAS. It reminded me the good old days when I was still a young boy, enjoying this king of services.  

I did not know if she offered full VAS or not to all customers. I might just be lucky or I was just one of them.  

I went back to the rest area, ordered the soup and noodles.  Food not bad.  I quickly checked out afterwards to meet up my tiger...  Mission completed.
  • 白貓兒 體力 +60 原創內容 2007-11-20 10:13
  • 白貓兒 威望 +60 原創內容 2007-11-20 10:13


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-11-20 10:21 發表

Almost all of the relatively young girls can provide full VAS in addition to vegi (not to say the mid girls). Their only concern is a new customer might trick them by tipping them very little,  ...
I read the forum and know that I have to settle the $200. Therefore, when she asked if i would take the VAS, I said yes and knew that I had to pay the $200 extra as tips.  She trusted me as she never reminded me again on the tip thing.  

I will try the congee next time...  whitekitty, you know my schedule very well....  




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