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[­ì³Ð] ¤C¤Ö±ý¾à¥ýÁa¡¨¦ÌçE¦è¬I¡¨

­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-9-24 16:30 µoªí
7-siu, ..you are so cool.  !!

The girl has a pair of great boobs..   Since she understands that she has been non-customer-friendly (by being a Ms. No for everything),why not giving her a 2nd chance?  If she is still a Ms No, then just release her with 500 lor.  Her look, figures and youth should be ok wor!!


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-9-24 17:30 µoªí
That is why I title this report as "±ý¾à¥ýÁa"¡CI shall give her a second chance this Saturday afternoon. If she is still "¶}¦ÌçE"¡A´N¥s¦o¦æ¤H¡A¦pªG¡Aªí²{¼ö±¡¡A´N¦hµuª£Âत´Áü¶¡I
I believe she will rape you this time!  Of course, a girl of 19 (and suppose she has not been in the trade for too long) may still behave like a girl and could be moody and behave the same (¶}¦ÌçE).  Then, you just kick her out this time, no mercy!

I am sure you will have back-up options!

Your 36C reminded me of my last week's 38E at TDWX sna.  She is not 19 though and does not have the innocent look of your girl.


­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-9-24 18:03 µoªí
WOW!!!!!!! 38E!!!!! Is that the # that you've given me before??
no,  another one, a new one.. haha


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-9-24 18:06 µoªí
$800 ¤£¥­¤F¡I¥­®É±q±ß¤W¤CÂI¨ì²Ä¤G´Â¦­¤W¡A¤QÂI¥ª¥k¤]¥u¬O$800.

i think $800 is fine...  $800 for 15 hrs normally, but deducting 5-6 hrs sleep & 2 times.   Now, it is $800 for 10 hrs (no sleep) and 1 time only.  Anyway, I think 7-siu thought is not to pay her less but not too much..


¦^´_ 33# ªº©«¤l

have a lunch box and she is very nice w mid size boobs but I can't  keep her for longer than 4/5 days because she is boring. She won't talk too much, even when I make a joke, she just smiles. Girls need hardward to start but needs software to keep"'

DoubleOO:  of course, if you want to keep a girl, she must have something inside, whether it is character, knowledge, etc or otherwise, it is just a bang or a few bangs.   If you like a girl, even though you do not ML with her (everytime), you still enjoy spending time with her, may be kissing, holding hands, etc.  

This "little girl" is more for banging.   I had a girl similar to this one (not as sizeable, only 33B) and I was electrified when I first saw her at K.  I asked her to come out 2 times, the 3rd time, we went for a short trip and afterwards I decided to quit since apart from the freshness, figures (she was slim and white), young, she had nothing to offer and she did exactly what you mentioend (Smiled when I made jokes) and she had no idea on anything..   

However, my little bros. still rememebers her once in a while.  


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-10-2 11:57 µoªí

¦oªº¤½¥q¨½¡A§Ú¦³¨â­Ó target °Ú¡I¬ÛÀY¶W¥¿¡I
Wa, are they in that new place?  


­ì©«¥Ñ SMUmbrella ©ó 2008-10-3 01:27 µoªí

Par3 ®v¥S, §AËݧַQ¨«¶i¼X¹Ó¸Ì¡H°£«D§A·Q¥Íµf¤@¨k¥b¤k¡A§_«h´N­ø¦n¥h·Q³â¡I

wa, congratulations.. how is it like with a free life without interference of tiger?  I think some of us are still in the graveyard and think of getting out. However, like myself, I am wondering if the free life is really good (sometimes lonely) and the "fee" of getting out is expensive.


­ì©«¥Ñ par3 ©ó 2008-10-2 21:06 µoªí
Even though she is normal and has sexual desire, you will lose interest in a few years time.  It may be better if she has a low sex drive that you do not need to worry about delivering homework in the future..  

Having said that, wish that it is only "low" sex drive but not "no" sex drive.


­ì©«¥Ñ par3 ©ó 2008-10-4 17:40 µoªí

she is a very ¥¿¸g¤k¥J, and she simply tell me that she won't go for the final stage unless she is married. if she is willing to go for the final stage, i may not go out any more because of her, i ...
I had 2 friends who were 100% Po-friends in the past, went out 3-4 nights a week (at least).  After playing for 7-8 years, they got married and became really good husbands/fathers.  Myself and some other friends had tempted them to go out  but they refused, saying that although they feel itchy once in a while, they will not go out and play.    I think that even though they may surrender one day, it may just be an "annual event" and if it is the case, I think they are already good husband/father.  


¦^´_ 91# ªº©«¤l


Hai gor, agree with you..   It is like the famous HK writer "Ngai Hong", he is an absolute po-fan but now, he is with his wife, possibly because he has no $ or he has no energy..


­ì©«¥Ñ par3 ©ó 2008-10-6 10:31 µoªí

at least making a change from the past to show that u r being loyal to your wife ma, but it still depends on how the wife treat u in the first place.
I think every woman is greedy (or every man), she wants her husband to be loyal, she wants her husband contributing most of his salary to her, he wants his husband to make her proud in front of her friends, etc..  the list is endless. A smart wife would maintain a balance/be reasonable on most of her requests but some dumb wife would step over the line..  

Froggie, you are right though a eating outside husband could be a good husband.  In fact, one of my friends who eat outside is a good husband and father, and he wants to make himself better since he feels guilty of eating outside. I tell him do not feel guilty since once you have that feel, it is difficult to be in front of your wife..  Anyway, I think it is difficult to classify what a good/bad husband/father is.


­ì©«¥Ñ ³Á­}¤å ©ó 2008-10-9 16:29 µoªí

very ¦òªk feel..  but I am not willing wor..  

the ideal situation is ¦³¤HÃö¤ß没¦³¤HºÞ.. but it is almost impossible..


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-10-9 17:51 µoªí

¨Ò¦p¡A§Ú­Ì¦³¤@­ÓªB¤Í¡A¥L·íªìÃѤ@­Ó¤kªB¤Í®É¡A´N弤F­Ó´×¡A¨C¬P´Á­n¦^­»´ä¤T¤Ñ³­¦Ñª¨¦Ñ¶ýªº¡C¤S©ÎªÌŪºòºÓ¤h½Òµ{ªº¡C¨º´X¤Ñ´N¶¶²z¦¨³¹¡A¦Û¥Ñ¨­³â¡I§A´NºâµLµó¥h¡A³£¤d¬è ...
I have similar "scaffolding" (not as much as 3 days, just 1/2 to 1 day per week)  but sometimes, it is quite tiring to find some places to go just to avoid returning home early!


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2008-10-10 11:10 µoªí
"¦¨Å}¦æ¬° ¦h¬°¨D§Ö·P§Ü§íÆ{"
I think it is also of the hunting nature of men.  In US, men and women have casual sex (FOC), in other countries, men are allowed to have more than 1 wife.  In HK/China, we go for paid sxxx..




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