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原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-4-14 20:28 發表

She's fatty that Bro 遲來的春天 also can't afford it !!

However, both of them (2 MMs in ShaanXi) also love you much wor !!
hmm. I remembered I ate 陕西 nui nui before and their reaction are quite strong. Is it just a coincidence or it is the "culture" of the nui nui from this area?


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-4-16 16:33 發表

傘兄, 在長安客棧和茶仔做兄弟, 去加年花又要和茶仔做兄弟!
我早的去加年花收埋件吾俾茶仔知, 費事茶仔又來做兄弟
oh, our cum brother network is very complicated wor. as long as it is not LB, I believe we are all happy to be cum brothers..



原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-16 17:17 發表
your 167 is very good. I have the feeling that she looks a bit mixed (gwei mui).  I do not know her figure since you kept her in the corner while N-dance!

My GX girl proved to be a slow starter but once she was turned on, she was very good. We had 2 wonderful session..  She was very fresh as welll since her "work industry" is not long, claiming that it was her 1st job at this place. I saw her again last night, wa, still MCOT.  I will be back again for her...

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-17 21:55 發表

my 167 MM is just as great, altho face little square....
yes, i could confirm that.

In fact, I forgot wher eyou got this girl, at the nui nui room, at the corridor or at the K room.. ?  How come I miss out such a beauty!!!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-18 12:37 發表

I will try also the 老乡, but not daouble fly...will do it separately...
agree. better eat 167 cousin first, then if you are happy with both, try to ask if they are open to double fly.

Anyway, from my understanding, Hai gor does not favor doublefly that much.. I may be wrong..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-18 21:40 發表

I do not enjoy double fly too much...I prefer one at a time...so that there may be some interactions...for sure double fly can give more excitment to man..but for the MMs..they normally would no ...
I enjoy double but not with Ks.. I had quite a few double with SN girl (not as powerful as 7-siu to do it with 2LBs) and most cases, I enjoyed it (with different degrees of sextisfaction).  Howver, my worst double was with 2 Ks, my 1st and possibly last.  I think K. girls are more (compared to SN) moody and need more attachments to make it.   That time, the 2 were starring at each other. One of them even fell asleep (not sure if it was the alchohol or pretending) and I did it with another one. I went to sleep and did it with the one who felt asleep last night.  What a disaster...   

I had tried waking/making both girls to serve me but without success..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-4-20 15:59 發表
He never mentioned about the chemistry of his double or treble fly actions. May be, the girls were just sleeping seperately like Bro. Denny. God knows only.
I could tell that it is the worst experience of having 2 girls sleeping next to you but they are like corpses..   I tried to touch one of them to arouse her sexual desire but it did not work out..

However, I invited one of them for another private 1-1 meeting, she was responsive, cooperative and we chit-chatted a lot.  So, a 3p without chemistry is the worst...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-4-22 23:25 發表

Terrible Thing !!  Two dead bodies sleep with you !!
no, you are wrong.  2 dead bodies sleeping with a corpse (myself) sinec I was quite drunk as well...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-18 00:43 發表

Any comment on this LB International KTV ?!
I am interested to know as well...

FYI- i stepped shit on G Brick K last week..  My friend also did, but different type of shit..  haha


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-5-18 15:46 發表
At last, we still did not go to this K on Friday, but went to Carnival again.
haha, why change?  More confidence on Carn...?


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-5-18 16:44 發表

And Bro 7-siu got a FRESH MM wor !!
hmmm. yummy yummy. is general quality still good?  heard that quality drops recently. .


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-5-18 21:40 發表

yap, tea tea and i discussed about going to Bridge head. My friend (tea tea met him once in G brick0 is a regular there, being there once every 1-2 weeks...  

he likes the cheaper K, at 1-4-7 (or something similar).   more village feel girls.  of course, there are black sheep..




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