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原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-3 00:10 發表

Oh, Ah Jxxx is very sweet.  I really want to see her one day..  She must be very sticky when you are with her...  

one question.. which 羊肉店 you had visited that had made you so horny?  If I remembered correctly, you were well fed last weekend...!!


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-6-3 09:41 發表

Haha, I shared my view...  Dai Hoi gor must have his view as well. LB is different from SP and of course, not the sexual satisfaction only (although it is still important).  The warmth, care and also the frustration (sometimes) she gives you all come as an extra to me.  Sometimes, simple things like shopping at a supermarket, running with our dogs after dinner, etc. provided another kind of satisfaction at heart.   However, all these come at a price ,a higher entrance fee, a longer committment, and frustration sometimes...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-3 10:48 發表

It is in XS....
After a month's NFP I want to feed myself well....
Tomorrow I am going to Qingdao and Ah Jiao will come with me la....She will come also end of the month..there will be a big LB  ...
then, I need to find a LB...  


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-3 11:46 發表

you only need to pick one from all the SPs la....
unfortunately, all are SPs only, not able to upgrade to LBs...


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-6-3 11:25 發表

我和你差不多, 大海兄!

平時一個月7000元, •已包租金在內, 女女家要錢時, 她只要我給她3000元就夠了, 她會省吃省穿.
她真心愛我, 我給了她一個家的溫暖, 她不想在漂泊了....就一輩子跟我不嫁人。 她母親早逝 ...
Oh, Jack gor. it seems that you have won her heart completely.  In that case, treasure her la.. I am sure you will continue treat her well.  It is fate.. We helped you pick her without knowing much of your taste and I think you did not have much expectations in the beginning, now turned out that she becomes your LBs.


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-6-3 11:51 發表

you have some SPs. just get one for SPs la! It is a special feeling! enjoy it!
Not difficult to find SPs but LBs,  need that special moment to come...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-5 00:18 發表
In my opinion, once they upgraded to mami,you should not spend anytime for them. As they have  been to another horizon.
7-siu, may I know the reason why?  Regarding networking, nui nuis also do networking...


原帖由 dberg0510 於 2009-6-6 08:16 發表
bros Denny2000, I agreed with 7-siu from a money point-of-view.

The price the quote me is much more than 10,000, double or trible

In my opinion, the relationship can only be further extended to  ...
dberg and 7-siu,

I still do not understand..  Are you saying that your SP, who are mamis now (transformed from nui nuis), asks 20k to 30k per month? I am thinking of opportunity cost and is it the average earning of a mami? I am thinking of 5k to 6k only for an average mami...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-9 16:11 發表
Denny2000 兄,你真係食米唔知米貴!現在的囡囡/媽咪分分鐘賺錢多過我和你!
多過我 not surprised, but 多過你! no way wor..

To my understanding, an average nui nui could earn about 12k a month... For red-cards, she may earn 30k a month.   No idea how much an average mami earn...   In fact, i do not know what is the salary structure of a mami..  based on room opening and spending by customers only?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-9 16:45 發表
Basically,(1)  % of your billing that the room booked under her name. (2) $100 -150 average from nui nui for every outing with patron. (3) $20 -$50 for every 平台, without outing. (4) Tips from patro ...
I am always interested to understand how other businessese work.

Imagine an average mami gets 3 tables under 25 days working day,

Each table, on average, 4 customers, spend 1,200RMB,  2 out , 2 just sit table  (each sits 1 nui nui only)

1) commission. assume 10% , 120RMB
2a) nui nui cut:   out  >>   150RMB x 2 = 300RMB
2b) nui nui cut   table only >>  50rmb x 2 = 100rmb

then, the salary is 52K....!   

I have not included those tips (DG k is not very common) and those special businesses..  A good biz. model wor..  

Understand that this is the upside since in bad days, may eat nuts/white fruit and no table sold...  Sometimes, nui nui is not in their group and get a cut of the commission only.  Assume it is 50% , still 26K per month..  ( believe there is not much penalty like nui nui has).


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-9 17:33 發表
But for those "Red" mami, your model ios too conservative.
I understand.. In CP a few years ago, i heard mami from HH buying flat of over 500k. and have a 200K car using own earning..


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-6-9 18:25 發表
The mami in Humen , my home base, always discuss HK Stock market with me.
there shoud be lectures on how to be a good mami...!  I believe that for those really red-card mami, one could earn 1 million a year!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-9 20:04 發表

In SH a red card Mamis earns 200K +  a month is not surprised....
FF in factory earns more than 100K + a month ...before...
but the life is not long, if they could do the job day in day out for 2 years, it is already very good since the daily alcohol intake, cigaretes, the lifestyle are all detrimental to health..  I also believe that mamis will take fewer days off than nui nuis...  

I also believe that being a red-card mami may be as difficult as being a good CEO of a MNC..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-9 20:20 發表

for sure their good life is short lived la....all the drinks..life style...
the red-card mamis in CP HH a few years ago, used to be the mami of my ex, she had retired with a good life, married to a wealthy man and herself is very wealthy..  some are luckier than the others..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-6-9 20:28 發表

some la..
many turn to smaller Ks when they cannot survive in the big Ks..and..after some years just go home without much  money...
or they earned big money, but lost most to gambling, wolf dog or business failure...

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 dberg0510 於 2009-6-13 20:01 發表
I am trying to transform my SP to LB... still working on her...
and may be N months and years afterwards, you will try to transform her from LB to SP or no relationship at all.. Be prepared ...  




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