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[檔案] Par3 貨架

原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-2 16:04 發表
The girl on my left is from Webei, the right is from Wunan.When I wet kiss the left one, she was so tensed and exicted. Her palm were all wet.She hold my hands so tight I can feel her pulse was tumper ...
oh, i love that hubei girl as well. So, the three of us have the same taste. not a good sign...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-2 18:00 發表
何止有可取!直情,得!不過上唔上到,和要洗幾多就唔知喇!HKger 一定很有興趣的!
agee. GS's mamis.. over 50% of them are those mature, but attractive types.  HKers would be very busy with them...  

Jin Jin is nice and she keeps on watching haidada gor for the whole night. I was playing with her, haidaa, and our girls for a long time and Jin Jin looked at Haidada gor for 70% of tme, I am jealous


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-3-4 00:04 發表
I have got 2 girls, the mature one that I had quickie and the young one, chubby..

You know the cubby young one gave me lemon and refused to go out..  The mature one, she was good in many aspects, good figures, nice bxxbs, thin waist, wild, very watery ( i coudl feel the water pumping out), but there is an issue that I have to release her (大澳). Brother should know what I mean...

I am impressed with the quality of nui nui that night, a complete opposite to my/our last visit before CNY,  90% of nui nui were pork chops... This time, only 20% of pork chops, 50% ok, 30% eatable...  

mami, I am not good in kauing them. Let' it be the job to HKer. I like straight deal.. haha.


原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2009-3-4 16:11 發表

CA金磚四國的囡囡可吃情度應該得 15%-20% ,但相信一定有 50% - 60% 系 OK 的
i think we are talking about the same classification.

15-20% are those I /you "want" to eat.   50-60% are those I/you "feel OK": to eat, but not with much enthusiasm..  Of course, it may change once you sit with the girls, and with more alcohol, more didi rules over our brain..  

I am eager to check out the eatable ratio in DL DH K.  7-siu and freinds said it is quite high.. may be higher than 20-30%


原帖由 par3 於 2009-3-15 13:01 發表
貨架開咗就快兩年,其實上架日係我為咗紀念一個人嘅生日特登揀嘅.就係呢個貨架帶咗機會俾我衝出ZH,識倒以7少為首嘅一班比較有素質嘅bros.可以講係開貨架嘅最大收獲. ...
I am happy to meet up with you as well after seeing your report for so long.

I think liers/etc exist everywhere.. It is just that the working girls are more materialistic (not all, some may not be the case), they are more determined to earn quick $ and thus make more lies but they may be less skillful as well (although some of them are very professional in lying).  So, may be it is good to enjoy a different life, not necessarily 100% out of the scene but may jsut find something to do/comit..  

Hope to see your reports and of course, come out for a drink..  and drink more. haha.


原帖由 par3 於 2009-3-16 02:14 發表
a bit scary to notice a shadow on the TV! Glad that you explained that it was 7-siu reflection..!


原帖由 par3 於 2009-3-17 02:51 發表

oh, that night when you and 7-siu visited the place..


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-3-17 09:29 發表

they have good biz but not bcos of this. To my understanding, there were only 2 of them and that room had a lower min. charge and did not require DJ..


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-3-24 01:57 發表

Bro CACEO told me that this sort of K-room is too loudly lor !!
I think they focus on "checking out nui nuis outside and do not mind it being noisy..


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-21 14:21 發表

It is so difficult for Dr. Tea to have a target.   haha, you are teasing him by not giving the tour guide tel no.  hehe..


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-5-18 09:09 發表

Jack gor, be careful...  do not let your LB to put too much or otherwise, you will get too much from it and be easily discovered by your tiger at home. I almost got discovered before..

Par 3,
glad to hear that you have a priceless memory from just holding hands.   I wish that I could but my feel is a bit numb...

相關搜索目錄: 香水


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-6-3 09:36 發表

i still do not remember.  would it be better for this girl not to say anything?  I think it is safer wor since the girl (who was supposed to be the ex-lover of the man) knows that there is a flat waiting for her and she will change her attitude and re-apporach the man again..


原帖由 par3 於 2009-6-15 04:43 發表
waiting for you to come back then.. Have a good rest...


原帖由 par3 於 2009-6-22 23:16 發表

P.S.唔知係技術高咗定係乜,我已 ...
very creative menu.  they should extend this to offer a 套餐 @ 4,693.94 with all the dishes with names like this....

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-6-23 09:11 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-10 14:58 發表
3 gor, have you been back already?


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-8-10 17:38 發表

We'll going to another place in next month la !  Delay no More ar ma !!
where are you going? next month is sep and you have planned ahead so early.. great...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2009-8-10 18:28 發表 Those QT's MMs in 1.3.7 are not upto your standard wor.  Maybe they're only 155 height. Hehe !!
Oh, Tea tea, are you talking about F City in QT?  if it was the case, yes, let's explore this. Last time, I had a very fresh nui nui,m 19 years old.  Yummy yummy but you did not take any mms wor..
remember my friend V got a girl for 1Q, ended up have 2Q , 1 mouth shot and 90 min.. At one time, we were worried that he was murdered or ransomed since he did not return to K after 1 hr!   however, there was also bad story as one of my friends got a salty fish...all in all, the quality varies..

I have sms you the contact.

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2009-8-10 23:48 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-8-10 20:48 發表 155..no problem ya..
not only 155. I sat another girl who was 1.68  , and plenty of 1.7 or higher.. however, these girls are more raw, without a proper make-up, village feel may be the word. My girl wore sandals..  haha..


原帖由 par3 於 2009-8-11 00:01 發表 i went to CP in short pants and sandals too as it rained like crazy, wondering if mm thought i was鄉下仔出城
then you and sandal's girl are a perfect match!  Is there a TVB cartoon 30+ years ago called 鄉下仔出城? the character , a young boy, is very ham sup and bad.. haha. 3 gor, are you saying you are like him?


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-9-11 00:14 發表 We are too good for them ! When we were with them, we treat them like a princess, love them, never let them got a dim chance of being hurt. However, they never knew, they never being satisfied. Th ...
sometimes, 人是犯贱的。男的也是。。。


原帖由 par3 於 2009-9-13 12:58 發表 我得出嘅結論係大根兄你一定唔駛擔心佢冇人理,佢嘅生活絕對精采,私底下再傾
in general, most nuis nuis have their own way to survive. It is our own simple thought that they need your (sole) support and it is why so many of us (including me) likes to bump into the wall, again and again, thinking that we are their savior..  

Of course, if she really devotes to you (like Ah Jiao for Golden Gun brother), then it is luck....


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-9-16 00:44 發表 唉。。。慘在我果D囡囡手尾好長。。有D唔話有錢(無錢)就可以打發佢走。。。
oh. how come I have not received these kinds of sms?  Nui nui tend to forget me ......


原帖由 par3 於 2009-9-18 00:40 發表 可能人在異地較易心軟覆咗佢QQ先知咁啱大家都喺首都佢依家仲係做SN,仲要貴到我肉痛嗰隻 1380/60mins但開始見倒佢嘅改變雖然我睇唔透佢個心但絕對感受倒佢嘅真聽日 ...
I think it is a cruel world.. Girls used to naughty, after hitting the walls a few times, have to learn from mistakes.

par 3, you have a soft heart... and 长情。。。


[quote]原帖由 simonkok 於 2010-2-17 09:22 發表

三哥。。also happy year of the tiger to you.. enjoy your love affair with someone ah...


原帖由 par3 於 2010-4-2 06:11 發表
是否再戰可能要睇劇情發展,但問心嗰句being loyal嘅扣已經開始甩甩哋啦

being loyal depends on how you see it. you could still tell yourself that although you eat outside, it is fast food only, no love involved..  hehe..




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