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原帖由 strange 於 2008-4-7 21:21 發表
seldom stay in her home in Shenzhen overnight. That may give her chance to 偷食
brother, only if you are with her 24 hrs, they stiil have a chance to 偷食!


原帖由 smbs06 於 2008-4-8 05:02 發表

$5,000/month = Time Share at best

Theoretically, there is a monthly stipend threshold for every girl above which you can almost guarantee they will not risk blowing. That figure does vary fr ...
I agree with this brother's analysis.  Since she is a semi-working girl, $5000 is not enough to privatize her.   $5,000 is time-sharing price range...  

Of course, even though you pay her a fortune, it does not mean that she is 100% loyal to you (either body and soul).  

The question you should ask yourself is that: could you still love her and enjoy staying with her?   have you talked with her face-to-face and tried to reach out a solution (e.g. say that you could continue only if she could commit 100% loyalty to you or otherwise ,you would leave.),  etc.  

I would say if the girl cares for you (and your $), she would say yes to you...  Then, you could still cool down and decide if you would continue (and also test if you could continue with her). Observe her for a few weeks and if you are suspicous of anything/caught her out (e.g. sudden inspection), then just leave..     

Of course, safety is a concern (both personal and $).


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-4-8 10:54 發表

denny 哥哥, 如果個女人可以話你睇錯, 只有兩個可能, 我都無謂講
呢個 strange 兄台明顯不能用平常心處理, 即係玩唔起感情之人, 道行未夠之也!  所以, 你認為玩落下, 有什麼後果呢?
睇錯, 只有兩個可能: 1) 睇錯-1%  2) she is with another man/sponsor.. -99%

所以, 你認為玩落下, 有什麼後果呢:  Agree. It is up to brother strange to think about the risk involved (I also mentioned before the safety concern: both personal and $).


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-28 16:47 發表
不要問她對你專不專一................ 首先撫心自問你對她是否專一!
Most men are selfish.. we want the girl to be 100% loyal but we would seldom want to be loyal to her.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-28 16:57 發表

That is why I never expect too much as I am not Valentino. I just look for sex and lust, but not love, from them.
Good to hold that principle!  Sometimes, it is difficult to hold it and you will sink....  




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