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[原創] 代貼 - “精”盟會 – 精盟4號, 蜘蛛俠 一地兩檢, 出兩個結果 !

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-7-21 16:10 發表
sorry to hear that you had a bad experience..

In fact, I almost met up with you at Gondola.  . I got a 1/2 day free by chance and I called up gondola manager for booking    As a happy man, I rushed off to the bus station, only to see the bus had just left.  Shit, waited for 15 min..  When I arrived the coach station (the coach to HG), I saw the coach just leaving the station.     Shit, missed 2 times and I thought it might not be my day, I aborted my trip to A and did something else.. .  more interesting...  


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-21 20:54 發表
Well, I'm really interested to know more on your "more interesting" experience!
haha, I supported jor the local economy . I love HK!!

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-7-22 09:04 編輯 ]


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-22 09:04 發表

Chow San San or Tse Shui Lun??  

You'd better plan ahead similar to what I did . Round 1 at #1, take a short test, Round 2 at #2..  What a perfect day!!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-22 09:09 發表

好似係有金馬桶放响SHOWROOM嗰間呀! Well, my next target is to follow your foot-steps. SN on 1st floor and italic foot on ground floor! Then I can save a lot of time in travelling!!
ya, it is good. May be you could reverse your order of visit, go g/f for bm and then upstairs for the real stuff to get a better ROI since you pay more upstairs...  The $ per action time is cheaper then since I suppose you have to spend longer time in releasing the load after unloading on G/F.  

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-7-22 10:07 編輯 ]


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-24 08:57 發表
Froggie is back..............!

多謝 "精四哥" 的介紹, 昨午完成了 "廣華 pink lady" 之懈候,果真是一个物超所值的選擇, 就此謝過!

一个川妹子, 身高 165 cm, 超級美腿, 姣美面貌, 均為其 ...
Wa, I want to revisit this place after not going there for years...  


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-24 12:05 發表

Hey man, be careful of your no 2 and her friends!!
I will wear a mask, like the pig-head so that no one will recognize me. may be it is good when I go to 4/F, I wear my pig head mask and the girl is on her OL look.  It may turn on the girl for her fantasy of making it with an animal!!


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