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"精"盟會 - 蜘蛛俠 - 大風又晴朗的電視城 差點精盡人亡, 銀包乾塘 !!!!

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-23 14:56 發表

電視城知道鬫n耐啦, 先有DENNY師兄指路, 再有隻青蛙出埋報告! 不過仲未結伴同行而已!!
Great that spiderman enjoyed a great trip.   I always selected the model type last time but was a bit turned off by their coolness.   You should have tried the "frame" as the girl will do a lot of tricks with it. Very erotic...  better than red rope...  

One thing I admired you is that you could have 4 loads in an afternoon..

To share some of my understandings (may be outdated)..  
1) they should have a category of 8 but only reported duty at 8pm. The manageress told me there were gewei mui at 800...  Not sure if it is still valid cos' it is quite sensitive to have gwei mui. One SN in CA got raided bcos of this.
2) I recalled some big brother having group parties in this sn in their adjourning rooms.  Pls try out.
3) 捉到一定女女犯錯或者偷懶次數… 如果唔係佢地要罰錢…: this is the way for sn boss to make money.  In fact, they squeeze every penny from the girl, uniforms, penalities, mandatory vouchers (if it is associated to a hotel restaurants), etc..  Poor them...  
4) There is a kentucky nearby. Enjoy a great meal before or after.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 14:16 發表
You really have a mouth of crow (烏鴉嘴)! My scaffolding was blown down by the typhoon and your shuqi is safe.

But how can she escape from me? Very soon........... you'll know the story......... ...
No worry. the scaffolding is blown off but you could set up another one soon..  The most frightening thing is that when you are having a good time, the typhoon comes and your return trip/transport is affected/delayed. Then, typhoon could be very damaging!!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 16:18 發表

呢个就係今日我暫停 "廁化朱皮" 嘅原因.........!

但佢過得一日, 唔過得一星期!
haha, you better check when the flood is gone, whether the personal flood has started!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 16:58 發表

風神剛過, 以當地的地政來說, 排水很差! 所以可信性很高!
Do you know why? Because there are too many domdoms in the 排水 channel...


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 17:10 發表

...........and you made the contribution, too!
no la,  i could not appear in CP anymore!!   Do not blame me for the flood in CP!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-25 17:14 發表

大丈夫講得出做得到, 話唔定真係會比我搵到個彭美拉安德絲加安祖蓮娜祖莉呀!!!!!
I seldom re-eat a sauna girl as I like the selection process!!  Besides, getting a fresh one (to myself) is always exciting as every girl is different...


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 17:19 發表

Why........? 欠下太多鳼數, 怕比鳼噱死?
I am not 7-siu who could manage #2,3,4 at the same time and they are not jealous.   I am supposed to stay away from the nightscene.....because of #2...  


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 17:22 發表

You can go there during the day time like me!
I  know many friends of #2 who stay in CP.. That's why I moved my base to city A...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-25 17:46 發表

Sooner or later City A will be conquered by those #2 as well! Then, what's next!!??
Again, I am not 7-siu and could not afford ($ and time) to get #3,4....


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 17:18 發表

彭美拉安德絲.............? 假到暈! 落咗誚Z係恐龙, no good!

安祖蓮娜祖莉..........? 都係有孖潤腸, 同 SQ 分別大咩?

It is not 潤腸, but a pair of American sausage!!

Apart from her thick and sexy lips, she is tall and slim and long scissor legs... sexy body... I recalled I watched one of her movie-"taking lives" in the plane.  There was a scene when she ML with the actor, her pair of scissor legs, spread wide open, was so killing...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQm0qS8sopY (hope I have not violated the rule...)


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-26 08:39 發表

What about SQ's performance as compare with this........?
icheng, are you asking me?  

The real SQ does not have a pair of scissor legs.. Besides, i have not watched any ML scene of her. If you watch the youtube link, you could have a good view of her scissor legs...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-26 09:31 發表

Bro denny, I think he was asking me as I'm the one who's tried that SQ in SN before.

Bro denny, you're right! Having a pair of thick lips and long scissors legs are very demanding requirement  ...
We could never get a perfect girl... If SQ gets thick lips and look good, then it is good enough. I have a lower requirement on face on sn girls.  

How about her blowing skills? Thick lips would be useless if she does not know how to blow...

I am suprised to know that angelina's boobs are so small!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-27 17:20 發表

huh~ 你冇講我點知呀!!?? 叫經理幫你預早安排囉, 蛙仔都係咁做! 條友有feel到話淨係斎做, skip晒所有services!!
Too many recommendations here and there and I mixed up who is who.

is 朱皮 in TV city or City P (HM)?

Why is she so hot?


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-27 17:34 發表
朱皮 is in Hang Seng of City P! Her face and figure are not perfect, but do give me the feeling of having fun with a little girl next door! Cute and smiley!!
Oh, I got it.....  I just got a similar one in Australia in my last trip, I am targetting a model in my next mission with long legs...




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