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“精”盟會 – 蜘蛛俠之 恆記巧遇A貨日本妹

1) Haha, great report, always making readers so horny and have to make the move..  If those places recruit you to be the writer, they should get a lot of businesses.  Those real writers are so poor in writing..  

2) "第三次出野既時候… 佢唔會比你停… 不停係咁搖…) ^7 a6 I6 ?' n1 M$ L9 n" y- I
問佢點解要係咁搖, 佢話知我性慾強, 要將我所有野都弄出來… 等我爽死… "

I think her reply is not completed.  Since it is the 3rd time, she had to work hard to make you come and dry you out to avoid the 4th time.

3) i need to get my lawyer..  Your title souds so familiar with my title  on my Australia report a few weeks ago..

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-7-7 14:38 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-7 14:33 發表
若果將其他 JM bros 的遊歷一同合訂, 效果更佳.............. 書展的 #1 seller.............
and to be translated to 20 different languages...  

First edition, free DVD with live recordings of the screaming...


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-7 14:42 發表
Do you want to be one of the investors to edit the book, an actor in the dvd or a writer for some articles?
I want to be all..Have you all watched the movie "Hao Ching" by Mr Koo and Eason Chan...  I wish to be at least trying to be an entrepreneur on this industry although I know it is very difficult and risky.   But I think it is a man's dream, at least for me.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-9 09:11 發表
Right.............. we'd better name it JMHQ............. as it is really our hearquarter for information!
Do watch out for hackers or computer genius since pw-protected forum is easy to crack...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-11 09:32 發表
Your high-touch quality report definitely needs your considerable to finish.  I'll have a brief summary on mine later today!!
have you both had a nice gondola ride?


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-7-11 10:09 發表
I enjoyed the body, face, attitude and reaction of my big boobie very very much! The feeling was just gorgeous (but she was not the same one you had tried). BTW, how's your expereicnce with Tung?
great to hear that you are happy with your big bxxx..  How do you know if we are not cum brother?  Where is your girl from?

I had not tried Tung Tung yet since I tried something more interesting.. hehe




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