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[原創] “精”盟會 – Operation Lexus 淩志行動: 聯手炮轟 GDI (Mini MP)

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 14:35 發表
You put me into difficulty in making decision........... I can only have two shots in two hours only, and it is a waste to keep both YY and DD................ just have single shot for each of them.
with YY and DD , you are not looking into the # of shots, but the interaction of them and the free "4 jai movie session"..   It is my first time to see the real gigantic double-head pipe and pipe in a strap in action.. there is a lot of fun. Of course, if you could wait,  a 2M2F is the best!  

Gondola : jelly + sna (or vice versa) is a good choice as well. At least, you save 20 rmb on taxi and do not need to expose yourself underheat. YOu know, after the 1st round, your body condition may not be too good and your leg may be shaking already!!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 15:17 發表
Yes, I have got the number of the little secretary..............................

Perhaps I should fix the target and go ahead for her tmw.
oh my god. My dream move would be twins + little secretary in one single day but since  I will arrive after you leave, possibly I have to 食尾围。。


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-12 15:37 發表
may be you could try spiderman's sec and my sec as the double fly... you will be also exhausted.
Wa, good suggestion wor..

I am afraid that I will touch my secretaries in the office when I come to work the day after.   Fortunately, all seecretaries are pork chop + c9..


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 16:50 發表

如果成事, 將会是 def + spider 或者 denny +friend 的翻版, 對象係 panda girls 滛滛和蕩蕩,我哋食第三圍!
The 2M2F gameplay is good. The only regret that I had was during the early stage when we had to decide who played with who first,  the conversation was a bit dry and too professional. I still remembered that YY said to DD, " you did with him first, bla bla bla".  

If I could rewind the clock, I would rather spend 5 -10 min chit-chatting with YY and DD at the sofa sitting area, drinking, making jokes. Then, sooner or later, my friend and I would move slowly to our targets separately, doing some wet kisses and caressing, undressing, etc.  We then moved back slowly to one room or separate rooms for fun. That is more natural and act like more of a swinging party.  


原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-12 17:05 發表

你問清楚係淫淫同蕩蕩先好wow, 黎錯左油油同淋淋就唔好啦.
yes, or else, you get the other panda pairs:   朱朱 和 扒扒。。  


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 17:18 發表
Noted with thanks.

BTW, do they really allow taking 4 jai movies.... or snapshots?
4 jai movie is only a description of what the 15 min erotic 2F1M scene is like.  Of course, I do not think they will allow you to take photos/videos.  You may try steal film but the chance is very small and it is risky.

last time, it was quite unfair to me since I was the actor and did not have the chance to watch. Next time, when you play this 15 min 2F1M 4-jai session, do ask your partner to swap role-play at half-time.  They will use 2 equipments so there is a perfect time to swap in between (you being the one to watch).   Of course, if you want to experiment a full 15 min Ga-Tang-Ying experience, it is up to u.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 17:35 發表
haha. we all have dreams.   may be our dreams will come true one day!  I have not thought of being at a 4-jai movie type scene until I heard the great advice from you and Jes on GDI.  Funny enough that you had not tried but I did!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-13 08:55 發表
你老板,收唔收到個短訊都單聲吖! 記得出發之時與敵軍司令再聯絡,先禮後兵!
Ya, and be prepared that they will not be sharp.  Last time, my appointment was at 1pm..  They only came back at 130pm (but we were late for 30 min, so just made it).

Enjoy, froggie..   and remember to spend some times building the connection with them. DD is not as hot as natural, need some time to cheer her up. For YY, ......  no need.  


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-13 09:04 發表

重好講, 噚晚忘記轉 silent mode, 收 SMS 時响机, 董事長猛問乜嘢內容,很狼狽 + 驚險!
while doing sms, the content should be as discret and disguised by some words like meetings, etc.  I am thinking of some excuses if tiger reads some msgs with phrases like CP, CA, sna, etc.  What are the good suggestions for these key words?


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-13 09:31 發表

If you need to have overseas business trip, then CP is Canadian Pacific Airlines, CA is Cathay Pacific, or California
SNA is the short form of John Wayne Airport in Orange County of California

a bit creative. but CX (not CA) is the short form of Cathay!   I will spend some time thinking about it when I am on the train/bus to City P or A.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-14 13:13 發表

I agree

I always enjoy the varieties..  local v north (bkk, malaysia), tall v short, yum jin v shy.   I always try  to enjoy the good side of an encounter..  Be happy ma..  

The more I think about those 魚翅 and 粉絲 I have taken, the more I want to write a book and explore more..  haha.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-15 09:09 發表

I have already proposed to gather all the reports by the JM brothers to bind a book. It must be one of the best sellers in the '09 Book Exhibition.
Let's dream about it!!
To make it more organized, I suggest we should have some themes like 孙子兵法。。。36 计。。

some suggestions to the themes are
Sspecial tools (happy chair, car wash, 空飞, water bed, jelly msg)
Techniques (contributed by Mat mat)
Comparisons of sauna in Asia


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